Thursday 18 January 2024

Malaysia's rice mayhem might start sooner than April

ONE of Bernas main supplier of rice is Pakistan, and because production was lagging last year, we the consumers were penalised with a huge increase in rice price . READ: Bernas increases rice price by 36 per cent.

BALOCHISTAN is one of the areas in which rice is grown on a commercial scale in Pakistan. Balochistan is also the centre of the world's attention now because READ : Iran and Pakistan have decided to bomb each other in the Balochistan region.

SO definitely supply is going to be an issue for Bernas in the coming months, especially when it comes to Pakistan, and India too.

MEANWHILE,  the ministry of agriculture has come up with a plan READ : called gelombang padi, which the ministry says is going to be a game changer.

MOST of us are aware what has happened to previous game changer plans over the past two decades, which eventually did nothing to change the game except for Malaysia to import more rice than before. READ : In 2023, Malaysia produced 1.6 million tonnes of rice and had to import 1.1 million tonnes of rice from abroad.

I have a suggestion, which I can guarantee Malaysia 100 per cent rice sufficiency in 36 months. 

YOU dont have to be Albert Einstein to figure out if we dismantle Bernas and provide tax incentives, as well as Government land for large public listed companies to get involved in this sector , we will be self sufficient IN NO TIME AT ALL .