Sunday 7 January 2024

The Chaos Plan To Destabilise Malaysia

THE  latest LANGKAH in town is apparently the VIEW : Langkah Mayat Sanusi, where basically federal agencies are being told they shouldn't be following instructions from the centre. 

ADD, the latest Langkah , to the mix we already have in Salim Iskandar, who used to be employed by a bank owned by Syed Mokthar, and Wan Muhammad Azri Wan Deris, who is better known as the VIEW : Pondan loving Papagomo who was sacked from the police force for corruption.

THE duo whoes highest education qualification ranges between SRP qualification and SPM qualification, have hit the town running with rumours of a change, citing their source as Tun Mahathir, despite READ : Dr Mahathir repeatedly denying being involved in any such plot.

WHY is the nation glued  to what two not very educated  social media personalities are telling us ;  that a bunch of statuary declarations can knock of a sitting Prime Minister.

ONLY,  Parliament can get the job done, and Parliament only sits sometime in late February this year.

SO what is the end game here ? Well notice how despite their denials neither Dr Mahathir, BERSATU or PAS having taken any legal action against Salim Iskandar and Papagomo? 

CLEARLY what is happening today, is too create political and economic chaos in the weeks and months to come, in the hope of triggering some sort of emergency rule, whereby a body with the powers of the national recovery council can be formed.

THOSE behind this plot are the same bunch of people who have spend considerable amount of money to spread Salim Iskandar and Papagomo's message across the internet world.

YES this are the same bunch of guys who fear that they are all going to go to jail, and a lot of their ill gotten gains will have to be returned to Malaysia in lieu for their freedom.

GRANTED,  let's fully buy into their narrative that Anwar Ibrahim has a PERSONAL AGENDA against them.  SO WHAT? AS  long as no evidence is fabricated, they is no rule in any law books which says the Prime Minister must like them.

BUT  there are enough rules in the law books to detain Salim Iskandar and Papagomo under harsh national security laws if they cannot prove their claims.

AS a media practitioner, I should be against such laws, but there are  times, enough is enough. The Home Ministry should just GET ON WITH IT.