Tuesday 30 January 2024

Mat Sabu ; Bagai jelongak kerbau rampung

THE last time, the Dewan Rakyat was in sitting ,there were calls from the opposition bench for Mohamad Sabu to do the honourable thing by resigning.

WHAT  is interesting about the demand for Mat Sabu to call it quits ,is that it came from READ : Zulkafperi Hanapi, the sixth BERSATU member of Parliament to support Anwar Ibrahim as Prime Minister.

SO what exactly was Zulkafperi Hanapi justification in demanding that Mat Sabu, remove himself as minister of Agriculture?  READ : Mat Sabu is INCOMPETENT, and is seen as being led by the ministry staff , instead of leading the Ministry, says Bersatu MP who supports Anwar Ibrahim.

ZUlKAFPERI hanapi actually has a very valid point, that Mat Sabu is not calling the shots at the ministry but rather he is being second guessed and led blindly by the power brokers inside the ministry.

CONSIDER the following ; On January 8 , 2023, Mat Sabu told Malaysia  that READ : Govt ready to audit licence holders in rice and paddy industry to address cartel issues.

ONLY for Mat Sabu to be put in place by Azman Mahmood, the director-general of the Ministry's Padi and Rice Regulatory. READ; Jan 9 2024, top agriculture ministry official says : Tidak perlu audit 39,000 lesen padi, beras 

SINCE then the minister has been silent on the matter, only giving strength to Zulkafperi Hanapi claims that Mat Sabu is only minister by name and is being led by the same set of officials who are responsible for the rice crisis of today.