THEY seem to be following READ : the footsteps of Warren Buffet, who ended 2023 with an extra US28.7 billion, after selling a large slice of his stock portfolio.
BACK home in Kuala Lumpur, public listed company owners are also disposing their shares but for different reasons.
iN retrospect, KEDAH seems to be a bad word for public listed company owners, that had announced major investments into the state before GE15.
WITH serious questions hanging over the head of the so called planned invetstmenrts in Kedah at least, two owners drasticai cut their direct interest in companies they had help build. .
TODAY, the one time corporate high flyer , READ :Muhammad Ikmal Opat,told the atich6⅚ now only owns a direct 0.28 per cent of Widad Group.
LAST week , it's was READ: Teoh Haj Hin's moment, to tell investors that he now directly owns ZERI Hong Seng Consolidated shares