Thursday 14 March 2024

Tikus Tikus Kantor, Nyaman Dan Segar Di Kementerian Pertanian dan Keterjaminan Makanan

TWENTY years ago, Bernas (Padi Beras Nasional) directors were being paid READ : RM4.1 million in director fees, which was a very big amount even then.

HOW much is BERNAS paying now on a yearly basis in directors fees and other incidental claims to keep the current director general in charge of paddy at the Agriculture Ministry Azman Mahmood in its PAYROLL? 

NORMALLY,  this should be nobody's business accept Azman Mahmood, and the Government that seconded him to the BERNAS board.

IT  becomes everybody's business thought , when a direct Prime Minister's appointee states to the nation that READ : Azman Mahmood Membohongi Perdana Menteri Malaysia.

MOHAMED Sabu, JAWAP LAH,  how much is your director general of paddy and rice, getting paid by BERNAS, before the level of dissatisfaction has to be ADRESSED by the Prime Minister himself, BECAUSE  READ :Azman Mahmood , dah terlampau BERNAS.

IS it only the director general of paddy at the Agriculture Ministry to be blamed or is he merely a fall guy for a fat guy who thinks cow riding Is an intelligent thing to do?

MOHAMED Sabu, should stop the theatrics that READ :his ministry will probe to find out if indeed a rice cartel exist in Malaysia.

SAVE  the tax payers money lah, Mohamed Sabu. What more do you need? The last men who sat in the Prime Minister's chair before Anwar Ibrahim, said it in Parliament that VIEW : the rice cartel does exist in Malaysia.

IF this is indeed true, then why didn't Ismail Sabri put a stop to it when he was the Prime Minister? Well perhaps, because his tenure as Prime Minister was too short.

AT least we can thank Ismail Sabri for pushing hard on cartels, resultingc READ : In Five companies fined RM415mil for fixing chicken feed price, an event which most likely would NOT HAVE TAKEN PLACE if Mohamed Sabu was in CHARGE.