Tuesday 12 March 2024

WiseGuy inside The Corporate Mafia: The Man Who Knows Too Much!!!

EDDIE Ng Chee Siong , will have his day in court next week, where Malaysia will bear witness to the many faces of the Hokien speaking man.

EDDIE Ng Chee Siong, will have a hard time explaining his many financial debt, some which are still in existence to one of the Revenue brothers, his desire to kick out the Revenue Brothers at a time where he himself  was disposing Revenue shares on the cheap.

WHAT Eddie Ng Chee Siong says in court, the manner says it and even the tone he says it, will have an impact on how the law will view the Revenue Brothers.

THE most impacted, however will be Victor Chin Boon Long, in line with the Tanakh, the first division of the Christian biblical canon ; an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a hand for a hand, a foot for a foot, a burn for a burn, a wound for a wound.

SO,  Victor, this is no time to muck around and play poker,  because it will end badly, very badly for Chin Boon Long.

 THE group which is far more sophisticated then the Corporate Mafia, knows A to Z of the Man Who Knows Too Much, even down to his current inner fears.

TO observe a person for half a year, down to their eating habits is always a plus point, when comes  down on how to break a man. 

SO  Victor Chin Boon Long , I trust you know what you must do, because the only person's backside on the line ; is ACTUALLY only YOURS.

PS, Victor Chin Boon Long, if you notice, UNLIKE, all my previous writings, on this one, I have NOT put in a SINGLE reference to support any of my statements.

THERE is a reason for this. You see Victor Chin Boon Long,, this article is not written to convince the public that I am right, and You are WRONG.

THIS is ment ONLY for you, because apart from US,  only you know the damage  the Man Who knows too much can do to YOU.

NEXT ; Merchants of Death.