WHO are the 5,000 people who will be very angry? Well they are the bums who head our Government linked companies such as Umar Swift the CEO of Bursa Malaysia, Amir Hamzah of EPF and so on and their extended families.
AND oh by the way, Petronas is excluded from my proposal because they are a Fortune 500 company, so what ever they are getting paid, they are getting it on merit.
MY data is outdated by four years, but with you as Finance Minister updating the data would be much easier than convincing Dr Mahathir to consider retiring at age 98.
READ : Malaysia CEO salary is world class but none of our GLC minus Petronas are even Singapore Class
YES, Anwar Ibrahim, the average Malaysian CEO'S are getting 148 times more money than the average workers salary, which is much more than the 78 times more money in first world Singapore and the 102 times more money than in the first world Hong Kong that their CEO'S are getting.
ANWAR Ibrahim, we are still somewhere between third world stuck in a limbo trying to get into the first world.
SO what say you, come this Monday you immediately cut those GLC salaries to not more than 50 times more than the take home salary of the lowest wage earner in the said GLC.
YOU then use that money to give the civil servants their much needed pay rise without the tax payer being burdened.
THE end result will be happy civil servants and a happier Malaysia minus the 5,000 people I had mentioned earlier.