Saturday 19 August 2023

Ismail Sabri's Tik Tok style narrative of the past, raises questions about the former premier's own competence

JUST days after being accused by the secretive and elusive crime exposing  Telegram site Edisi Siasat for having ulterior motives in pushing for a change in Government, Malaysia's ninth Prime Minister comes out swinging in Utusan Malaysia.

 BARISAN Nasional's poster boy for GE 15, who led the coalition to its worst performance on record, now wants a change in leadership in UMNO and hints that the party's future is with PAS and Bersatu.

THOSE were basically my understanding after reading the former Premier's READ : error filled Tik Tok version of history.

BEFORE i get to the errors, I must say that Ismail Sabri is really a magnomous person considering the way Muhyiddin Yassin had trashed him in the open last year. READ : Muhyiddin Yassin demands for a General Election citing only 18 per cent satisfied with how economy is progressing, blames Ismail Sabri for not being able to manage the economy

SO what's the error in Ismail Sabri's narrative then? Ismail Sabri wrote :  UMNO terpaksa bergantung kepada undi bukan Melayu untuk mencapai kemenangan. Ini sesuatu yang tidak pernah berlaku sebelum ini.

HMM, "Ini sesuatu yang tidak pernah berlaku sebelum ini". HELLO,  Ismail Sabri, were you sleeping is it in 1999, when READ : UMNO's saw support from Malay voters fall from 81 per cent to 54 per cent and had to rely on Chinese voters to save the day

FOR a man who cites the Malayan Union, Ismail Sabri seems to have forgotten what the statesman who led the Malayan Union, Dato Onn Bin Jaafar  told UMNO at the 1951 General Assembly. 

Sekiranya UMNO ini sebenarnya bertujuan dan berkehendak mendirikan negara merdeka di dalam Malaya ini, maka saya berharap juga pihak UMNO ini akan memandang kepada pandangan yang luas, pandangan yang dikatakan nasional atau kebangsaan itu dan jangan semata-mata mengahdapkan pandangannya itu kepada pandangan yang sempit semata-mata, iaitu hidup hanyalah di bawah tempurungnya sendiri dengan tidak menghiraukan iaitu ada lain-lan tempurung yang terletak di sebelahnya”

Ucapan terakhir Dato’ Onn dalam persidangan
Perhimpunan Agung UMNO pada 1951

THOSE who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it...look no further than Ismail Sabri.