Thursday 31 August 2023

China lives up to the Nearly Man Moniker

 am not surprised that READ : China has now listed waters close to Sabah and Sarawak as belonging to the communist state.

THE individual most responsible for messing up China's now water under the bridge window of opportunity,  is none of then it's current strong man President Xi Jinping.

XI,  had one of the best role models to keep taking China forward ,namely the  very under rated in China but extremely capable  Deng Xiaoping, who by choice opted for collective reasoning and a free economy.

INSTEAD, XI had opted to concentrate power on himself and follow the footsteps of the highly erratic and brutally unpredictable Mao Zedong.

ON November 2021, Michael Beckley, an advisor to the U.S. Intelligence Community and U.S. Department of Defense,  basically stated that China is a declining power and READ : China knows that Indonesia, India and Japan will too strong for the Middle Kingdom going forward, so it might use the current window of opportunity to get as much territory as it can.

TO put it bluntly, READ : The Chinese Century Is Already Overand with that as the US Admiral Philip Davidson said in 2021, China will stir trouble by as early or before 2027.

WITH regards to Malaysia, where is it you think the communist are delirious in poking their noses? Well it is a place which Xi Jinping had wanted to visit sometime in 2014, but the plan had cold water thrown under its head.

SABAH's strategic geographic location makes it a gateway to the ASEAN markets adding that the state is easily accessible by air, sea and land, and is positioned at the intersection of the Asia-Pacific region and the Middle East.  READ : Just 7 days ago, China's special consul to Sabah says that many opportunities for Sabah under China's BRI plan.

ONE way we can keep Sabah out of reach from the communist hands, is by allowing the US Navy  to have officially a small advisory in the development of the Sabah's coastal line and see routes.

CHINA will definitely not like it, but then again it is not Malaysia who started this fire. China started it, therefore it is only prudent for Malaysia to get some INSURANCE.