Thursday 19 January 2023

Institut Darul Ehsan : Pelacur

is a song from Bunga Hitam, about a segment of people who are willing to sell their moral, and dignity for the Lu's of money.

INSTITUT Darul Ehsan, the think tank behind Malaysia Madini, is so dodgy that one cannot but help feel that Anwar Ibrahim is on the verge of destroying Malaysia.

Uang dan ketenaran tlah
menyilaukan hatimu
Kami kan berbalik dan melawanmu!
Ku panggil
engkau pelacur!
Ku panggil
engkau pelacur!

INSTUTUT Darul Ehsan, was long regarded as a READ : Gun For Hire, institute with dodgy credentials.. IF you wish to know how perverted the thought of this institute is VIEW : The sick institute's take on Mat Kilau demonises non Malays.

ANWAR Ibrahim has spoken well on Malaysia Madini but can he disclose how many non Malays were involved to make this a truly multiracial concept and not some secret radicalisation programme.  READ : Anwar Ibrahim was responsible for Islamising the education syllabus: Islamic civilisation was introduced in schools and world religions were taught with a pro-Islamic bias (and) in the textbooks, other religions were portrayed in a negative light in comparison with Islam.