Saturday 7 January 2023

Hello Anwar Ibrahim, Tiong King Sing udah : GILA

or mad ie insane in English is a hip hop single released around the Covid lockdown period by Kaka Afraff, Loca B & Noki.

ANWAR Ibrahim, you need to step in right now by sending Tiong King Sing to where he belongs, either to a psychiatric ward or Timbuktu.

Tenang-tenang oh termenung
Namun jiwanya terkurung
Gila gila gila gila gila
Gila gila gila gila gila
Gila terkurung terlalu lama

TIONG King Sing in his latest bid to antagonise Malaysia is demanding READ : Shorter entry process for visitors for China to show China Malaysia is a friendly country.

FIRST of all Tiong King Sing, why not ask China to prove it's a friendly country to Malaysia by getting out of Spartly Island and by handing over Jho Low to PDRM? You can't do that can you? 

ARE you a member of the Malaysian cabinet or a member of the China Government?