Friday 24 March 2023

Part 6 : Besnya Si Anwar Ibrahim boleh : Pergi Mampus Dengan Mulut Orang

is a hip hop song from internet motivator Andika Putera with a little help from  Snipersosa. The single was released about three years ago.

I truly believe that the BERSATU boys have got it wrong when they claim  Anwar Ibrahim who holds the Finance Minister portfolio, had sinister intentions when he omitted to state READ : Section 44 (6)b of the Tax Act 1967 states that an appeal over a decision by the IRB director-general can be lodged with the finance minister who is then allowed to determine a reasonable resolution.

Tak pula sakit bila dikeji
Apa nak jadi 
Aku tak peduli
Aku just buat 
Untuk rasa HAPPY

INSTEAD the Prime Minister stated that the finance minister has no tax exemption authority; only the director-general of the IRB under Section 44 (6) of the Tax Act 1997.

I believe that Anwar Ibrahim is out of his depth, makes decisions without consulting the relevant regulators, act on impulse and is a disaster for Malaysia to have him hold the Finance Ministership.

CONSIDER this, on March 21, the NST reported that Anwar Ibrahim stated READ : Approval was only given on Feb 25, 2021, in an extraordinary circumstance involving Yayasan Al-Bukhary,.

CLEARLY, there is such a wide gulf between the story Anwar Ibrahim told Parliament and the story the Ministry of Finance is saying.  Obviously the Finance Minister and the Ministry of Finance are not on the same page.

YES,  linguisticly the blame finger is being pointed at the income tax department, but if you stretch it organisation wise, at the end of the day the income tax department is under the Ministry of Finance.

INVESTORS are watching all these bloopers, and no amount of M.O.Us, are going to help Malaysia, on the coming run against the Ringgit to RM4.70 to the US dollar.