Thursday 25 July 2024

WiseGuy inside The Corporate Mafia : The curious case of the Menteri Besar of Kedah who had advanced knowledge of market sensitive information

SOMETHING  big happened this week, which had been missed by the mainstream and fringestream press.

BUT that something has sent shock waves right to the heart of Victor Chin Boon Long and Francis Leong Seng Wui.

FOR one, the duo now know that they have caught the eye of a higher authority, one way above their pay grade, specifically the eyes of the Prime Minister.

MY advise to KN Kenanga is, this is not your fight. Get out would you still can,  or there will be consequences. 

SO , what is it, which has rattled both Victor Chin Boon Long and Francis Leong Seng Wui to the core? READ :the curious case of the Menteri Besar of Kedah who had advanced knowledge of market sensitive information.

ITs  GAME ON, when out of the blue Bursa Malaysia sends you READ : a love letter wanting to know about your rubber glove deal in Kedah, which you have Long abandoned.

THE answers given by Hong Seng Consolidated Bhd are actually irrelevant because at play is how a Chinese group  helped by KN Kenanga had interfered in Malay politics.

Sunday 21 July 2024

WiseGuy inside The Corporate Mafia : MMAG's Sri Lankan Dream is DEAD.

HOW is it possible,  that a company deliriously am able to make a statement to the stock exchange on the trading day, in which it's shares were pushed up by a staggering 85 per cent.  READ : Chin Boon Long's MMAG teams up with Sri Lanka's Supreme Global Holdings (Private) Ltd to take over Sri Lanka Airlines.

YET, be silent as a dead body, without informing a single soul  when the deal has been aborted. READ : Sri Lankan Government aborts plan to privitise Sri Lanka Airlines, the country's national carrier.

BY keeping silent, Victor Chin Boon Long's MMAG is deliberately withholding market sensitive information,  which could potentially sink  the value of MMAG.

CONSIDERING,  MMAG had on its own according made the announcement to the stock exchange, choosing to be silent, is actually a VERY BIG ISSUE.

IF we care to recall, providing selective information to the public eventually  leads to false trading. 

LOOK no further than ENRON. READ : ENRON, selective disclosure, fraud and Insider trading


Friday 19 July 2024

State of the Nation: Criminals hold the moral high ground, because crime pays by the Ringgit.

WHY do some criminals think they still have the moral high ground after they have broken the law?

SOME  would rightfully say it is because these law breakers have sociopathic  tendencies.  A sociopath doesn't think that the laws of society apply.

BEING  someone not trained in the laws of  psychology, I won't challenge the above assertion, but merely would like to add that in the Malaysian context, they act in such a manner because crime pays by the Ringgit.

TAKE  for instance, the  sentencing of READ : former Malaysian Automotive, Robotics and IoT Institute (MARii) CEO Madani Sahari, this week , for pocketing a RM5 million bribe, which resulted in a year's jail, a RM100,000 fine and  order to seize only RM3.4 million of his wealth.

BASICALLY,  it works out to be a  months jail for every RM100,000 or more, in bribe money that he get to keep.  If  I am confusing you a bit , just subtract RM3.5 million from RM5 million and  divide it by the months, he ie going to spend in jail.

CRIME apparently  pays by the Ringgit, the law breakers meanwhile only has to serve some time.

TIME apparently for those not yet charged with a crime , should be used or can be used beautifully, by self suggesting that you put yourself on GARDEN LEAVE. READ : HRD Corp Shahul Dawood volunteers to go on leave pending MACC probe

THE rules of Garden leave is very simple,  you still get paid RM63,000 a month as in the case of Shahul Hameed Dawood, and don't have to suffer the indignity of walking into office, knowing that everyone in the office from the office boy onwards thinks you are rotten scumbag.

THERE is no justice in allowing Shahul h
Hameed dawood a free lunch courtesy of the tax payer for doing a horrible job at HRD Corp.

SHAHUL Hameed Dawood being allowed to go on GARDEN LEAVE is akin to rewarding the guy who raked up derivative losses amounting to RM53.8 million in 2022 (Pg 179 of HRDC 2022 annual report).

AND mind you those losses have significantly widened now, when one takes into account how the WIDAD  Group shares are bleeding red ink.

THE best thing, the Government  can do for Malaysians today is to make sure Shahul Hameed Dawood clocks in daily to office  at 9 am sharp and leaves at 5pm, with his official duties as CEO suspended.

IT'S  called COLD STORAGE , and not GARDEN LEAVE. 

Thursday 18 July 2024

WiseGuy inside The Corporate Mafia : Muhammad Sanusi Md Nor

OVER the past 48 hours, there had two reports which specifically highlights, the importance drug cartels have placed on control of Airports and Seaports.

THE fact that Cocaine was now being manufactured in Malaysia, and then exported overseas via air transport should alarm the police and the general public.

IT is against this background, that one should look much closer into the Kedah Menteri Besar's plan to build READ : a new airport in Kulim, Kedah.

LET'S  not trouble ourselves with the merits and political gamesmanship in Kedah wanting to build an airport, but zero in instead on  the troubling aspect with whom Muhammad Sanusi Md Nor wants to build the airport with.

MEET Khor Eng Chuen, whoes ECK Development Sdn Bhd is still on record to own 80 per cent of Kedah Aerotropolis Holdings Sdn. Bhd , the SPV company which will undertake to build and manage the airport.

THE investigative site, the CorporateSecrets has alleged that READ:  Khor Eng Chuen is linked to scam king Teow Wooi Huat (Teddy Teow)

THE link to the Teddy Teow group is definitely a public relations nightmare, but one which Muhammad Sanusi Md Nor could wither the storm.

IMAGINE if a businessmen who had being doing business with say the likes of Pablo Escobar or Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman wants to build an airport in your backyard.

WHAT are the implications on the politicians pushing for the airport to be built on your backyard, as well as the implications to the security of the NATION STATE ? 

KHOR Eng Chuen has done business with companies controlled by the under detention drug lord Ooi Chieng Sim. VIEW : The Khor Eng Chuen deal with the then under direct control of Atta Global Bhd by Ooi Chieng Sim.

IF you are wondering who the hell is Ooi Chieng Sim? READ : In search of who the heck is Ooi Chieng Sim.

THE initial reaction, would be so what, where indeed is proof that Oii Chieng Sim is a dark lord? 

THE landmark judicial review this month, basically means, Ooi Chieng Sim can kiss goodbye to RM220 million. 

To be Continued. 

Wednesday 17 July 2024

WiseGuy inside The Corporate Mafia : The Corporate Mafia Infused Central Bank of Malaysia.

BESRA Gold,  a company publicly traded on the Australian stock exchange after months of being suspended from being traded, has finally admitted that money from Quantum Metal won't be forthcoming. VIEW : It's all over, for Lim Khong Soon's Quantum Metal.

THERE was a BL00D BATH  on the trading floor, with Besra Gold shares being culled by as much as 28 per cent on its maiden post suspension trading day.

WHILE  the blood stains haven't yet dried up, there was celebrations elsewhere specifically at the Australian Federal Police headquarters and at the Reserve Bank of Australia 

THE duo have worked together closely beyond the call of duty, to prevent money being suspected being churned by a Gold related ponzi scheme, and testosterone fuel drug money from entering Australia.

WHAT prevented, Quantum Metal from executing the deal with  Besra Gold wasn't a lack of money, but the moral fiber of the Australian Federal Police Force and the Reserve Bank of Australia, which insisted that wrongs don't make a right.

QUANTUM  Metal nor its agents were allowed to open banking accounts to transfer the money to Besra Gold.  Attempts to use legal firms in Australia to facilitate such transfers were not only stopped,  but in PUBLIC SLAP in the FACE of BANK NEGARA  MALAYSIA, the money was transferred back to Malaysia. READ :  The ties that binds a nexus of evil. Quantum Metal and Revenue Group Bhd, different names but same FACE

THE Aussies , most likely were cheesed of that a criminally inclined drug fueled ponzi scheme, with a RM11 billion money game on its resume was being protected by BANK NEGARA MALAYSIA.

THE central bank of Malaysia, which ultimately is answerable to the Minister of Finance , Anwar Ibrahim , who also happens to be the Prime Minister  had .READ : on Jan 2024, declared publicly that Quantum Metal are pioneers .

THE central bank of Malaysia, has much to answer for, more so to Anwar Ibrahim,  who is not part of the group, being paid money by the tonnes for being the willing WHORE of The Corporate Mafia .

MORE so, the central bank of Malaysia, not the institution, but those plying their corrupt trade there, definitely  have very short memories. REMEMBER 2014, under a different governor, the following name ; THE Quantum Capital programme?

BANK Negara Malaysia's liberal views on Quantum Metal and its strange actions in playing word games to keep the Corporate  Mafia's Quantum Metal, has been done at the expense of Anwar Ibrahim.

THE  Prime Minister, said to be the nation's greatest political orator on record, will be knocked out speechless on this one ; 

We can tolerate the inactions of the central bank, but whay do you make of a group who can't even open a bank account in Australia,  having even their money returned to Malaysia, being  glorified and toasted as pioneers,  by BANK NEGARA MALAYSIA?

Sunday 14 July 2024

WiseGuy inside The Corporate Mafia : The truth according to Sherlock Holmes.

SHERLOCK Holmes , the fictional character created by the Scottish writer Arthur Conan Doyle had a very odd way to unearth the truth.

"HOW often have I said to you that when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth?"

FOR months now, I had been pointing out that  the Corporate Mafia,  an organisation associated with Victor Chin Boon Long and his minnion Leong Seng Wui had been financing  Perikatan Nasional especially  PAS. READ : PAS, Hong Seng Consolidated Bhd type deal in Kedah, deserves more scrutiny

A major breakthrough linking money from stock market going either directly to PAS or indirectly via its cronies came through when the Auditor General revealed large sums of money was passed to Widad Group  via HRD Corp , using share warehousing as a front.

WIDAD Group, is widely known in the corporate sector as PAS favourite contractor, hence it will be  a very interesting outcome to find out who were the bankers that had brought the deal, and what were the criteria used by HRDC to evaluate the Widad Group.

WIDAD Group is merely a small piece of a much larger jigsaw that hides a MCA nurtured group  which received projects worth billions in revenue during the Covid era. 

IN return,  this purely ethnic Chinese brotherhood raised close to RM 10 billion  during the Covid era, backed by mainly projects in PAS led Kedah.  

THE fact that the NEGATIVE market sensitive information was only made known to public , after PAS had secured Kedah, should be a good feed for those who love conspiracies. 

THE very close links between PAS and this Chinese group, is however not just confined to the Islamic party.

PENANG DAP,  that started  during Lim Guan Eng's chief ministership era,  also has a relationship with these group.

TO be fair to DAP and PAS their links are not direct to the source, which is understandable as the source  ie the notorious drug baron Ooi Chieng Sim , who has with links to the Central American and South American  drug cartels is in police custody.

THAT being said,  Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim, should seriously consider with merit what his daughter Nurul Izzah had proposed some seven years ago. READ : Nurul Izzah Anwar's 2015 POTA Act

TO be Continued... 


State of the Nation ; Speculation, Rumours and Heresay

FOR the first time in Malaysia's history, the auditor general's report was debated in Parliament this month. READ : Prior to this, the auditor general's report was never ever debated in Parliament before.

AND for the first time in Malaysia's history,  Parliament has amended the law, to allow the Auditor General to audits at any given time, not only on Federal and state entities, but also on any company which receives public money or grants. READ : Dewan Rakyat changes audit related laws for first time in 33 years to empower the auditor general.

AND come September 2024, the The Malaysia Competition Commission (MyCC) is expected to make a very significant rulling that will change the landscape of the paddy sector and control of the paddy business in Malaysia.

MALAYSIA, has even taken baby steps for every Malaysian to have the same education opportunities.  READ : Everyone who has ten A's for SPM, will be offered matriculation seats in local universities.

MALAYSIA has put a stop in intake of foreign workers, taking into account the potential fractions these workers can create to the irritation of the majority Malay populace.

CIVIL servants to will be getting a raise by year end, but it won't be a blanket raise but one based on merit, and for the first time in nearly half a decade, the stock market is not crashing.

PLUS,  for the first time in the country's history,  the Government has shown a real intent to cut the budget deficit, by taking the bull by its horns in cutting  fuel subsidies. 

WHEN , Anwar Ibrahim's time is up, as Prime Minister, Malaysia will definitely miss him , because, despite having done so much, the vast majority of Malaysians have been judging him based on heresay, rumours and speculation. 

THE masses own speculation, based on hearsay that the Prime Minister was behind a move  to release Najib Razak.

RUMOURS, that inflation will go out of control, and unemployment rate will rise up, under Anwar Ibrahim's too did not materialise. 

YET, Malaysians for some strange reason don't see Anwar Ibrahim as a success, perhaps because the Prime Minister is not boastful and hasn't  claimed any credit  to himself.

EVEN MCA mocked him on the matriculation issue, yet all of us know in our hearts, no Malay leader, what more one which doesn't seem to have the support of the majority of the Malays,  have the balls to announce what Anwar Ibrahim has done. 

LIKEWISE, no Malaysian Prime Minister has had the balls to take away subsidies except  Anwar Ibrahim. 

rumours and Heresay