Monday 16 September 2024

Fahmi Fadzil is Anwar Ibrahim's biggest liability.

ANWAR Ibrahim's Madani Government  needs to be very careful on how it communicates with internal and external stake holders.

AS early as mid December 2023, the man on the street READ : we're grumbling that we have the wrong men for the Communications Minister's role.

CONSENSUS is that Fahmi Fadzil is the lesser men, being given a very important portfolio,  one which many feel, based on merit and street credentials should go to DAP's Gobind Singh Deo.

FAST forward some ten months, the Nation isn't actually shocked that the wrong men, meaning Fahmi Fadzil, could cost the country billions of Ringgit.

THE Singapore Straits Times got it spot on that the damage due to Fahmi Fadzil's flip flops is already done. 

WHAT made the flip flop, being looked at by foreign investors as a desperate insincere act to buy some time, when it rightfully appeared that the incompetent minister doesn't have his house in order but is desperate to protect the interest of  an elite class,  at the expense of RAKYAT Malaysia. 

PANTAI Dalam must be ashamed now, that they had sent this man to parliament. Protecting politicians from criticism, only allows corruption among politicians holding important public portfolios, especially the INCOMPETENT  ones, to THRIVE.

Sunday 15 September 2024

The BANANA financial requlators of Malaysia.

WHAT if I told you, Mr A from a public listed company sold off one of its assets to company X , for a huge RM10 million loss.

THEN Mr A joins company C, and repurchases an enhanced version of the asset he previously sold to company X, at a steep premium, promising great rewards for company C.

UNFORTUNATELY,   since the purchase company C has yet to make a profit and it's turnover  keeps falling down.

AMIDST all this drama, Mr A has now become the executive director of company X, which is also a public listed company. ALL of the above inside 20 months or so.

MR A has been careful not to seemingly break any laws and to ensure legally he does not need shareholders approval.

SO what are the market requlators doing about it?  NOTHING, even though there is clear evidence that Mr A has been acting on bad faith.

BAD faith because, even though Mr A is listed as the shareholder, the shares are not registered under his name, but under a kredit komuniti money lending company, who happens to be Mr A's employer.

OR how about this one.  Somebody has send a huge chunk of money to Australia from Malaysia under the watchful eyes of Bank Negara on the pre text of taking part in an investment scheme, that boils down to for every RM1.3 billion you put in, you will get a return of 25 times or some where in the region of RM33 billion.

AND Bank Negara approved the transfer, but thankfully , the Australian Central Bank put a stop to this blatant attempt to launder money. 

WHAT action has Bank Negara taken since then? NOTHING.

JUST like the Securities Commission is happy to allow college students, aunties and uncles and drop outs to give financial advise, that goes against the Capital Markets And Service Act.

WHAT actions have the SC taken? NOTHING.

**Details on the personalities involved shall be named tomorrow. 

Friday 13 September 2024

State of The Nation : Yusoff Rawther

YUSOFF Rawther, is without doubt the most talked about male in Malaysia this week, as Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim, allows their imaginations to run wild. 

THEY  have finally thrown in the kitchen sink, hoping that they latest attempt might do the trick, which is not a change of Government  but merely a change of Prime Minister.

AND why must the Prime Minister  be removed? Well, he has actually walked the talk on going hard on corruption, dismantling the Civil Service Mafia and possibly  chopping of a very large number of big heads by this time next year.

IN late July this year, Anwar Ibrahim's Government  took a huge step in fighting corruption by  amending  the Audit Act 1957 (Act 62) , which now allows READ :Federal auditors to audit private companies who receives Government money or guarantees.

COMPANIES such as Syed Mokthar's  Padiberas Nasional Bhd or Bernas, which for years have kept their reports private, can rest be assured they will be in the limelight in 2025.

COMING back to the Yusoff Rawther case, having Yusoff Rawther on the front pages  of the newspaper is something Anwar Ibrahim, would definitely not want, hence common logic will tell us to look at who would benefit from embarrassing the Prime Minister.

MALAYSIA, before you jump the gun into even considering buying into Yusoff Rawther's allegations, be forewarned that this is a guy who lied on his resume that he had a finance based degree from Kozminski University, in Warsaw, Poland.

Tuesday 10 September 2024

Guess who just showed up in Cyprus?

OFFICIALLY, Justin Lim Hwa Tat is still on the listed of wanted men, sought by the nation's powerful anti corruption agency.

OBVIOUSLY, the infamous "Ken Trader", which happens to be the trading arm of Kenanga Investment Bank, didn't make good on his promise READto return and clear his name.

TRACKING Justin Lim Hwa Tat is no easy task, as the hustler has two valid passports, one issued by Malaysia and another one with a different name, issued by another country.

JUSTIN Lim' s entry into corporate Malaysia from around 2021, was facilitated by Kenneth Vun Yun Liun, who has on numerous occasions been spotted with individuals close  to Wan Kuok Koi, a person wanted by the USA Government  for various criminal offences. 

JUSTIN Lim Hwa Tat, some say might be operating from in or around Cyprus, after the parent company run by him and his wife Poppy Capella, having lost the rights to manage the Miss Universe pagent in Malaysia and Indonesia,  will now by running the event in Cyprus.

Monday 9 September 2024

WiseGuy inside The Corporate Mafia : Free Najib Razak or .....

YES, you heard me right ; Free NAJIB RAZAK  immediately , as the former Prime Minister, is most likely being discriminated due to his former position.

JUST look at  Kamari Zaman Juhari, the ex Bank Negara director in charge of all things ; FRAUD.

LISTENto this man, then helming Quantum Metal as the chairman convince  his audience on the integrity virtues of Quantum Metal. VIEW: It was Sir Alex Ferguson who said class is permanent, form is temporary. In form, Bank Negara's very own head fraud, does just exactly that.

EVERYONE makes mistakes, but when one keeps repeating it, and being seen with Bank Negara people using Bank Negara facilities, even as late as last week, people  start talking.

THE talk gets boisterous, wheh you are a director of KL Remit Exchange, and the public listed company you just joined sees very very steep warrant conversion into the mother shares.

AND all these did indeed take place ; when Kamari Zaman Juhari joined Revenue Group.  Before Kamari Zaman Juhari joined Revenue Group NOT a single warrant WAS converted at such huge premiums.

HOW huge were the premiums? Well large enough to disqualify those trades on the basis that falsehood was written all over the trades. READ :ARTIFICAL, because the one for one conversion was done at 75 sen when the mother shares were trading at only 25.5 sen.

NEARLY RM63 million was syringed into Revenue Group via these method with no known action being taken against Revenue Group, Kamari Zaman Juhari and Revenue
 Group Executive Director  Leong Seng Wui, who over saw some strange warrant conversion of its own. 

CONSIDERING Kamari Zaman Juhari and Leong Seng Wui are being given unlimited free pass, it is time for UMNO Youth to stand up, be seen as visible as possible and be COUNTED.

Saturday 7 September 2024

State of the Nation : Fixated on Removing Anwar Ibrahim as Prime Minister.

KEDAH Menteri Besar, Muhammad Sanusi Md Nor was READ : lavished with praise on Boeing opening its maiden manufacturing South East Asian facility in Kedah.

ABSENT though were UMNO Youth leader Muhamad Akmal Saleh, Khairy Jamaluddin and hunger strike expert Mythreyar Mutturamalinggam.

WHY were these men absent physically,  and had no online criticism to spew with melodramatic   public showmen ship to protest the Vanguard/ Blackrock controlled Boeing Company's venture into Kedah? 

THE answer is simple , it is not because these men have suddenly loved Palestine less, but making any noise at this point, won't serve the interest of their  political masters by even an inch.

THE interest being, by any means by hook or crook, get anybody else apart from Anwar Ibrahim to be the Prime Minister of Malaysia.

EVEN when the Prime Minister and his team does the right thing, they will find ways to tell you that Anwar Ibrahim has sold out.

NOT only did the Anwar Ibrahim administration  suspend the HRD Corp CEO, they took a leap, no other Prime Minister would have done ; READ : by transferring the ministry's director general Khairul Dzaimee Daud OUT.

IN the scheme of things, Khairul Dzaimee Daud and Shahul Hameed Shaikh Dawood, are mere IKAN BILIS, compared to the political operators , whoes GOOSE HAS YET TO BE COOKED.

APART from Tun Dr Mahathir and Daim Zainuddin, those who fear and are desperately attempting to create a smokescreen to remove the Prime Minister are  those who lorded over Malaysia, when Parliament was suspended,  supposedly due to Covid 19.

THE likes of Khairy Jamaluddin has indeed a lot to fear for if the skeletons of his activities with MRCB in the upgrade of the national stadium, as well as his activities during the Covid 19 era are brought out.

BUT even Khairy Jamaluddin  is an IKAN BILIS within the self serving nexus  attempting to install doubts on Anwar Ibrahim's now proven mettle to lead Malaysia.

THE likes of Muhyiddin Yassin, Hamzah Zainuddin, Azmin Ali and a huge section of the PAS leadership, having lost political power, now face the risk of losing their street credentials and legacy,.

 ANWAR Ibrahim is doing, what a succession of Malaysian Prime Minister's had forgotten to do; that is to place the interest of Malaysia first.

CAN  Hamzah Zainuddin answer with a straight face, why on earth did he appoint a close associate of  the president of the World Hongmen History and Culture as an advisor to the Home Ministry?

MEET the president and vice president of the World Hongmen History and Culture Association. The president is ex-Macau 14k triad  boss Wan Kuok-koi, also known as Broken Tooth.

INTERESTINGLY,  at the time Hamzah Zainuddin was earnestly propping up Broken Tooth's man, READ : reports in the USA, were emerging on how 14k Triad linked people had found a new way to clean dirty money for drug lords.

WHICH brings us to the question what was on Muhyiddin Yassin's mind just prior  to GE 15, raising money in Johor in a room filled with Broken Tooth's associates including, the Court Convicted market abuser KENNETH VUN YUN LIUN.

MOST Malaysians may have heard about the infamous Nicky Liow Soon Hee, the vice president of the World Hongmen History and Culture Association.

I doubt many know, that Nicy Liow READ : has a longer history with Tedy Teow's MBI Group than with Broken Tooth.

MANY of Tedy Teow's top people strangely seem to appear in Victor Chin Boon Long's universe.

A universe, that prospered when Parliament was suspended. READ : Hong Seng Consolidated shares in 2021 rising by more than 416 per cent

NOT only did HONG Seng Consolidated Bhd shares  boom to RM3.87 a share from 63 sen a share, turning some into instant billionaires when the market capitalisation topped RM8 billion,  during the Covid era, Victor Chin Boon Long was a main player in the PAS controlled Kedah.

AND during Malaysia's darkest hour, with out so much of a check and balance Victor Chin Boon Long had somehow been given a newly minted license to operate a bank, a concession to operate the payment systems on highways, loads of Covid related contracts and ONE of his staff, surprisingly was during the Covid era a registered shareholder of MySejahtera. 

Monday 2 September 2024

WiseGuy inside The Corporate Mafia : Leong Seng Wui, We Got Our Minds Set On You.

FOR  hardcore belivers of fortune tellers and Feng Shui such as Victor Chin Boon Long's henchman Leong Seng Wui here is a secret the people you consult on your believe, has kept from you.

Fate may be written, but destiny can still be rewritten, because he who had been foretold, of his doom, will attempt to avoid it, without knowing the wisdom of that he who can see the doom of others, can deliver it .

AS the saying goes curiosity killed the cat but satisfaction brought it BACK. AND  with that satisfaction, am able to state clearly that a little thin and short person who  studied in Puchong, will soon be facing criminal charges.

WHILE those INCOMING charges has a lot to do with how Leong Seng Wui conducted himself while obtaining shares  of READ : South Malaysia Bhd.

THE truth be told, Leong Seng Wui, that  little puppy of Victor Chin Boon Long, sealed his own fate many moons ago , when uttered those infamous words : I'm from Green Packet Bhd.

HOW the mighty has fallen, can decisively be seen in yesterday's statement to the stock exchange by South Malaysia Indistries Bhd, READ : that Leong Seng Wui has to back of fron his attempt to take South Malaysia Industries Bhd private 

THERE is much more coming your way Leong Seng Wui, with most of it fowl, because we got our minds set on Y O U

Sunday 1 September 2024

WiseGuy inside The Corporate Mafia : High Noon @ Down Under. Rebel shareholders of Lim Khong Soon's Besra Gold to stage MUTINY.

THIS is not the face we know of Lim Khong Soon,  who always looks calm. These days there is a rough edge of the unknown on the face of one half of Quantum Metal's founding parent.

LIM Khong Soon might ace it in  Malaysia, but Australia is what worries Lim Khong Soon , who is facing a shareholder rebellion at Besra Gold on concern that some of the key directors are delinquent.

A high noon show down is expected in December as the dogs of war prepares to make an explosive revelation that there is a ponzi operated scheme in our midst.

AND then there is the very hush hush investigation on Besra Gold by the authorities Down Under which definitely  has the fire power to push Lim Khong Soon's name up there with the criminally notorious fellow Penangite Low Taek Jho.

±AT STAKE is a place in the history books as the biggest Gold scam in well over 28 years, being kept off the record books  by READ : Indonesia'USD 6 billion gold fraud in the 

BRE X , had a 35,000 customer base, while Quantum  Metal's base is ten times larger than that