Sunday, 12 January 2025

WiseGuy inside The Corporate Mafia ; Left of Centre !!!!

LEFT of Centre is a term used to describe either a liberal minded person, policy  or act.  Often it is used to define  the hard core liberals, ' who stretch  the liberal   train of though to breaking  point.

WHEN it comes to the stock  market, there is an open season on who actually should be involved in the disbursmemt of share margin facilities,

IF  you ask MIDF,  what is share margin financing, the response,as stated on its website would be READ : share margin financing is a credit facility offered by investment banks to finance the purchase of quoted securities on Bursa Malaysia (BM)

APART from investment banks, thelr commercial counter parts, licensed brokerages also provides such services

JUST Google, share margin financing, a  host of banks and broking firms names will pop out, but one can hardly see  Kredit Komuniti  firms names popping out with such services

YET these Kredit Komuniti firms  loan  on share financing have become too large, to the extent they are even financing  those living in glass houses to takeover an entire public listed company, READ :  Velocity Capital , a listed entity tied to kingpin Victor Chin Boon Long fully financing Leong Seng Wui`s takeover of South Malaysia Industries Bhd.

IS this the purpose of the Kredit Komuniti`s existence? If it is, then why is the Housing Ministry overseeing the behaviour of Kredit Komuniti  firms.

IS the housing ministry aware that Kredit Komuniti firms controlled by public listed companies are using money raised from Joe Public to enrich themselves.

ONE  can't blame the housing ministry if it is somewhat out of the loop, considering how Bursa Malaysia allows companies such as Revenue Group Bhd to catagorise these loans. 

REVENUE Group definess it's share margin financing activities as READ : SME LOANS, a term which is too left of centre.

DO  note there is ample paper trail to pin point, Revenue Group's share financing  activities using a Kredit Komuniti  license. 

TAKE  the case of Revenue Group lending out money to Chin Boon Long's Low Yat Plaza crew to acquire shares in VIEW : Ingenieur Bhd.

MEET the not so meticulously competent SIN Chin Chai, the recipient of close to nearly RM2 million.

THESE loans are being masqueraded as SME loans with zero objections from Bursa Malaysia. 

 THE SME  LOAN term in it self , is a weapon used to  blind Joe Public on the amount of money raised from the public by listed entities operating in the Kredit Komuniti scheme to help the blue collared Malaysians, has been handed on a silver platter  to a privillaged, but sinister and morally deficit BROTHERHOOD.

IS THERE A part 2? Hell YEAH

Saturday, 11 January 2025

Malaysia's 2nd 5G Network ; I said it, Joe Biden did it.

ON December  9th 2024, I had written that READ : Malaysia's data centre ambitions stuck between a hard place and a rock, because Fahmi Fadzil, the minister in charge of MCMC, and the agency itself from the chairman downwards, can't even piss straight.

FAHMI Fadzil and his team, I opiened had jump the gun in awarding  the second 5g network rights to U Mobile Bhd , which most likely  will definitely team up with China's Huawei.

I had stressed at risk is Malaysia's massive data centre ambitions, which will be derailed if and when America and Western Europe  uses Huawei's access to the planned 5g line to cool down their reliance to Malaysia.

DO note,  that unlike Vietnam,  Malaysia still doesn't have a free trade agreement signed with the European Union. READ : EU, US warn Malaysia of security risk in Huawei's bid for 5G role.

OUTGOING  US President Joe Biden  yet again proved that the Democrats and the Republicans are strongly united against  China.

BASICALLY,  what this means is Malaysia's hopes of becoming a global datacenter hub will be hit by the USA's latest directive that will limit access to chips with US technology.

Friday, 10 January 2025

State of the Nation : Flogging Dead Horses

ASK Najib Razak about it and he will tell you is true.. that the easiest way to get into the frying pan, is to have your communication man  or point men become the centre of attraction. READ : Jho Low's lavish spending, and brazen night club escapades eventually led the media to 1MDB

ON February 29 2024, I pointed out that Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim's single biggest political liability, is READ : Fahmi Fadzil.

WITH the insightful and often proven true Edisi Siasat making damning  'on line gaming corruption claims` on the increasingly un popular Fahmi Fadzil, comes at the worst possible time for the Prime Minister on  two counts.

THE allegations by Edisi Siasat is bound to haunt Fahmi Fadzil, as [  we the people will definitely find it absurd that we can find these sites easily but Fahmi Fadzil and his minnions are clueless about them .

ANWAR Ibrahim will be taking a huge risk if he allows  Fahmi Fadzil  who is disliked by a large chunk of the population,to  narrate the Madani Government's side of the story with ⁶regards to Najib Razak's  royal addendum. 

AS it is, Najib Razak too looks like he has been flogging a dead horse too  by pursuing the royal addendum  issue when he could have opted for a fresh clemency appeal instead.

WITH the Government now stating there was nothing in the official documents to suggest a  detention at home plan,  questions are also being asked on why the note to Najib's son confirming the addendum is from the Pahang Palace and not ISTANA NEGARA.READ : Pardons Boany add-on docs in Najib’s file, nor any official order from Palace 

Tuesday, 7 January 2025

BLURRED Lines, Clouds U Mobile'' S 5G award

BEING officially Christianed , READ as Asia's sick man, by the nation's very on Malaysia Kini, got a notch sadder.

SAD, because  we have incompetent,  impotent people attempting to take us for a ride. 

CONSIDER the following, how smart should on be to detect a severe  conflict of interest in a national project of great importance  such as building a fresh 5G network ?  NOT VERY, I assume.

BUT these joes missed it by a mile and  a half. Who is the vice executive chairman of MRCB ? Mohd Salim Fateh Din  who mind you,failed to even  ace  a basic degree course, and ended up languishing as air steward .

MOHD  Salim is also the chairman of MCMC, having the backing of the most un popular Federal Minister known for his lack of competence ,  the member of Parliament for Lembah Pantai Fahmi Fadzil .

WHAT has Mohd Salim have to do with Vincent Tan Chee Yioun.? Well back in January 2024,  READ :Berjaya and MRCB became partners intending to build a high speed train line 

NOW that conflict of interest was highlighted READ : On December 9th 2024, drastic action was taken.

OUT of the blue,  READ : on December 18th MRCB had pulled out from the venture with Vincent Tan but the damage got worst because Fahmi Fadzil despite allegations thrown towards him by Edisi Siasat decided to pile in more pressure on the PRIME MINISTER by re appointing  Mohd Salim to the MCMC chair 

Monday, 6 January 2025

WiseGuy inside The Corporate Mafia ; Velocity Capital Partners Bhd ... NOTORIOUS!!!!

2025, here we are with a bang as Malaysia's once untouchable Corporate Mafia, beefs up  its backbone for the coming HURRACANE.

CHECK out VELOCITY Capital Partners Bhd, newest director, VIEW : Fam Chee Way who also happens to now be one the most dominant stakeholders in the company.

VELOCITY which  is actually the registered  shareholder in South Malaysia Industries Bhd, and not Leong Seng Wui, the imposter or usefully idiot in this hostile takeover ,may have outdone itself with the appointment of  FAM CHEE WAY.

AM not going to go into details such as IC number or who is the head of whicb gang, known ad GANG ALIBABA.

BUT if you must know, I shall let Twitter do the talking.

1. TWITTER or X has the full blown lowdown on who heads Gang 265 , with IC numbers in tow.  Click Here For The Details.

Sunday, 5 January 2025

RICE War, Officially Starts Today.

TAKE it with a large dose of salt  that this is merely a coincidence, which keeps happening each time the Government wants to clip BERNAS wings.

ANWAR Ibrahim was supposed to make an extremely important announcement on BERNAS  in December,  but it never took place. READ : Anwar Ibrahim poised to make important announcement on Mycc findings on Bernas.

INSTEAD,  the Prime Minister since then has been facing a man made crisis from a  so called Malay unity platform using Najib Razak's name as the poster child.

INSTEAD of the Government  reading the riot act to BERNAS, we are now left with a crazy true story.

A story  where elected representatives and Government  agencies. must have BERNAS approval  to bring in rice, even if it is cheaper than the current market price. READ :Has BERNAS been lying to Malaysia?

PS , if you are thinking, calling out BERNAS, Malay Unity and a push to topple the Prime Minister sounds familiar.  Well it happened when the first PH Government fell apart.

Saturday, 4 January 2025

State of the Nation : UMNO's Poisoned Chalice

PERCEPTION is a very dangerous tool especially when it is used to measure support using social media as the benchmark.

TAKE for instance in the last general election,  the Malay politician with arguably the best social media presence in Malaysia lost to an Indian, Parti Keadilan rookie,  in a seat where 70 per cent of the voters were Malay Muslims.

MEET Khairy Jamaluddin,  who failed to win the Malay votes despite the entire nation experiencing a Malay Tsunami. READ : Tok Mat : 70 per cent of Sungai Buloh voters are Malays.

IT is that same poisoned chalice now hanging around UMNO's neck, the still prevailing believe that social media presence is a very good indicator of people's perception.

THAT believe, has been time and time again proven to be wrong. If it was correct, then UMNO would have won the last general election hands down on the account that Najib Razak was jailed.

BUT UMNO got its ass whooped in the last general election, because UMNO leaders failed miserably to read the tea leafs between the difference of  guilty and wronged.

I still believe that Najib Razak was wronged, but that doesn't mean I believe he is innocent  either.

WRONGED, because no man, not even the Prime Minister of Malaysia, could have inflicted the damage done in 1MDB, without inside help from Bank Negara and other enforcement bodies.

WRONGED ,  because you either get everyone involved in the scandal behind bars or you move on with life.

UMNO's Akmal Saleh, who now says he will go against the wishes of the party READ : and still attend a gathering in support of Najib this coming Monday has placed UMNO in a tight spot.

A tight spot, because Akmal Saleh has pulled the moral highground carpet which UMNO had made its case to the Malaysian public with regards to the addendum attached to Najjb Razak's pardon.

IN turn,  Akmal Saleh has pushed UMNO into the dark and narrow road,  potentially being stuck on the silent majority's head that UMNO has become what Sarawak Report said years ago about Khairy Jamaluddin that READ: moral failure can never be a mistake, but a sign that one has lost the moral compass

Thursday, 2 January 2025

One More Try, A Second Life With All Eyes On Anthony Loke.

IT'S  been a while .. a while too long and a while too fat since Malaysia has seen Anthony Loke in MASQUERADE. 

WHEN the camera lighs were shut, ANTHONY Loke  has gone from READ : wanting Malaysia to build its own trains to READ : to paying in excess of RM10 billion to rent train sets from China, all in a single breath .

THE minister blows hot and cold, as his spoken words and his actions are definitely poles apart. 

TODAY Inai Kiara is death row ward, thanks to Anthony  Loke's second reincarnation as Transport Minister.

AREN'T we supposed to help the good ones, that have strayed...the ones with a decent track record, the one which has the full spectrum expertise of a dredger, that only China has as there is no other like for like replacement in South East Asia.

APPARENTLY,  Yes but not so in Anthony Loke's Ministry of Transport.

IN Anthony Loke's  Ministry of Transport, it smells like the Nation State's interest must take a back seat to the Minister's pride.

SINISTER or a death wish to throw good money for a bad hat, is indeed debatable...but what is not on the table for debate is the FACT, the fish rots from the head onwards!!.