Wednesday 14 April 2021

Muhyiddin Yassin. Now or Never

Was a US top 20 hit tor Hasley in 2017. The lyrics to this song, goes something like this ;

Yeah, draw the line up
Don't take no more time up, yeah
Make your mind up
I need you to make your mind up, yeah
Draw the line up
Don't take no more time up, yeah

Its now or never, Muhyiddin Yassin, Azmin Ali and Hadi that a door has opened for everyone of you to prove that you did what you have done to SAVE MALAYSIA .

BLOGGER Outsyedthebox  wrote ;

  • JIPS director  awaiting names of cops who worked with Nicky Liow 
  • said Bkt Aman needed list from Johor police before take further action
  • Johor CPO Ayob Khan wont hand over Geng Nicky names to Bkt Aman
  • I will not reveal (the list of names)
  • Once investigations complete, we will arrest (those involved)
  • Wait and see, Ayob told reporters 
I will not leave this matter to Integrity, Standards Compliance Department (JIPS)
I want to take action for offence of organised crime which is best way
better to focus on completing investigation and arresting those involved
state police hq will take action under organised crime

  • Ayob said 24 officers from enforcement agencies arrested, charged 
  • This is the format we’ll use for Datuk Nicky case he said
  • Once investigations done we will arrest

My comments :

The Bukit Aman fellow wants the names of the crooked cops in Johor.  But the Johor CPO is openly saying he will not divulge the names to Bukit Aman. Dato Ayob Khan says Johor Police will complete the investigations and take action by themselves. 

Anyway you look at this, it is a slap in the face for Bukit Aman.

Just a couple of weeks back the IGP made serious allegations about 'cartels' and crooked cops in Bukit Aman.  The IGP then transferred some cops but his transfer orders were cancelled by the Minister of Home Affairs.

Folks obviously there are some rifts and shifts in the Police Force. 

Maybe also at the Ministry of Home Affairs.  

The IGP Tan Sri Hamid Bador and the Johor CPO Dato Ayob Khan need the full support of us all. This is as clear as daylight.  

Tell your friends and associates to voice their thoughts. Speak up now. NGOs and Civil Society groups speak up now.   

Well that is what Outsyedthebox wrote. I agree with almost all the points. I SAY, : Hey Muhyiddin , Azmin Ali you want TO SAVE MALAYSIA,   you can start by  extending the INSPECTOR GENERAL of POLICE Abdul Hamid Bador's contract IMMEDIATELY , so that he and his team can CLEAN THE HOUSE, and help you REALLY SAVE MALAYSIA.

Apa macam ada BERANI kah!!!

Friday 9 April 2021

Killshot!!!. Video Killed The Radio Star

by the Buggles, from the album the age of plastic, was the first video shown on MTV some 40 years ago.

The song topped the charts in 16 countries , helping the group become instant superstars.

A year ago, the inspector general of police, according to reports stated CLICK HERE TO READ.

Well if he wanted to be certain, he should have just asked Zuraida Kamaruddin. 

Apparently,  Zuraida has the ability to hear voice from audio with no video, and acertain who it is. 
Zuraida is convinced that an illegally recorded conversation between two unknown men is actually Anwar Ibrahim and Zahid Hamidi, the UMNO president.

You can READ HERE about Zuraida's incredible abilities. 

Killshot, this is a loaded gun and who ever came up with this audio recording is a novice who have just opened a can of worms that places Azmin Ali in a very uncomfortable position, coz if the audio voices are recognised officially, then Malaysia will want to know who IS THE VIDEO STAR.

Till then, we can atleast sing this classic of a song;

In my mind and in my car
We can't rewind, we've gone too far
Pictures came and broke your heart
Put the blame on VCR

Video killed the radio star
Video killed the radio star
Video killed the radio star
Video killed the radio star
Video killed the radio star

Wednesday 7 April 2021

Lim Guan Eng. The Times They Are A Changing

is the title track from Bob Dylan's 1964 studio album. Many of the tracks featured in this album, went a long way in helping Dylan secure the Nobel Peace Prize in 2016.

Former Finance minister Lim Guan Eng today blasted two ministers for not following to the dot, our minimum wage policy.
 Lim Guan Eng, Bob Dylan wrote ;

Lim called one of the minister heartless, I feel the ministers were  merely being pragmatic.  CLICK TO READ

Over the last couple of months, UHY Malaysia, under the stewardship  of Alvin Tee Guan Pian, had come out with a series of articles urging a relook at the minimum wage as well as for the government to look at a social pension option . I believe these issues are very relevant and related directly to the man in the street. 

You can click below to read.

Lim Guan Eng  seems absent on these matters, opting to play the populist with the  minimum wage flag.  

Consider this, We have one of the highest minimum wage , especially when compared with Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand and Laos. CLICK HERE TO COMPARE.

Also, we currently pay about between four to five times more than what a Bangladeshi can earn in his or her country. Can we afford to be generous at this point? 

It will of course will look good on paper and in forums, but at this point we need to relook minimum wage. 

For starters, reduce foreigners minimum wage as for Malaysians, the minimum wage should be tied to academic qualification,  job scope and responsibility. 

It is insanely stupid for a guy selling burgers at McDonalds and a  fresh graduate, theoretically  earning the same amount. 

Ultimately, we should just follow Adam Smith's advice...let the market decide, and may the best win!!!

Saturday 3 April 2021

Malaysia versus Israel . Mr Brightside

by the Killers, this week claimed a record 5 years or 260 weeks on the UK top 100 charts.

The lyrics to one of the most downloaded songs goes something like this ;

It started out with a kiss
How did it end up like this?
It was only a kiss, it was only a kiss
Now I'm falling asleep
And she's calling a cab
While he's having a smoke
And she's taking a drag
Now they're going to bed

I guess that is what the Jewish politicians in Israel' will be asking themselves as they clamour for the support of an Islamic party in Israel. CLICK HERE TO READ.

Are the Jews crazier, than Malaysians? I don't think so,  just that they want everything in black and white. If in Anwar Ibrahim, Malaysia had an un official prime minister in waiting,   the Israeli's  actually created an office for an Alternate Prime Minister CLICK HERE TO BELIEVE for Benny Gantz, who just like Anwar got played out.

My guess is come the next GE in Malaysia, UMNO and Bersatu are going to find out. There is only one king maker in Msian politics today and that is the DAP.

Thursday 1 April 2021

Zahid Hamidi's TWIN. Astronaut in the Ocean

by the Australian hip hop rapper, Masked Wolf in 2019 was a fringe hit with  massive lyrics.

Blogger Outsyedthebox  had this to say about Zahid Hamidi, the UMNO president ;

"Dalam bahasa Inggeris procrastination juga bermaksud dragging the feet, hesitate, vacillate, indecisive, undecided,  dilly-dally, kick the can down the road (buat kerja sia-sia).

'kicking the can down the road' 

Dalam bahasa Melayu, procrastination (pro-kras-ti-nesyen) boleh membawa maksud melewatkan urusan, tangguhkan kerja, tidak boleh membuat keputusan, malas, hidup tidak bernyawa, kerja secara bersia-sia, membuang masa, memang tak jadi, tidak boleh diharap.

Maka al-kisah UMNO "tidak boleh diharap" masih berterusan.  Walaupun ianya sangat jelas bahawa majoriti pimpinan tinggi parti Umno dan juga akar umbi (terutama sekali sayap Pemuda) tidak menyokong presiden bukan saja sebab dia sedang menghadapi 47 tuduhan jenayah di Mahkamah Tinggi tetapi  Zahid tidak menunjukkan  sebarang ciri kepimpinan yang intelligent atau mature. "

The lyrics to Astronaut in the Ocean goes something like this ;

When your brain goes numb, 
you can call that mental freeze
When these people talk too much, 
put that shit in slow motion, yeah

Looks like Zahid has a TWIN.  You can READ IT BY CLICKING HERE