Tuesday 31 December 2019
Hadi Awang. KNIFE
Well it looks like somebody has indeed been watching Najib Razak.
Abdul Hadi Awang sticks the KNIFE, as he says : Sumpah laknat tiada dalam undang-undang syariah. Read Malaysia kini ;
K N I F E. 🔪
Monday 23 December 2019
Laknat. Najib Razak.Tak tahu malu
Waktu kaumesej aku
Sungguh kupercaya dengan kata-katamu
Tapi di belakang kautipu-tipu aku
Jangan kaumerayu
Kerna aku tak mahu
Hey, dasar mukamu
Memang tak tahu malu
Kamu tak tahu malu
Suka-suka saja kau buat begitu
Mufti: Tiada sumpah laknat dalam perundangan Islam
Mufti Wilayah Persekutuan, Dr Zulkifli Mohamad berkata istilah sumpah laknat tidak ada dalam perundangan Islam kecuali membabitkan perkara mengenai "li'an".
Dalam Islam, ucapan li'an dilakukan oleh suami yang nampak isterinya berzina dengan lelaki lain, tetapi tidak dapat mendatangkan seramai empat orang saksi.
Manakala Istilah "mubahalah" (saling laknat melaknati) yang disebutkan dalam Surah Ali Imran ayat ke-61 pula tidak merujuk kepada perundangan Islam, kata Zulkifli.
"Sebaliknya ia (mubahalah) dikategorikan dalam sumpah membabitkan perdebatan bagi menyokong hujah yang benar dan menolak hujah palsu.
"Mubahalah tidak menjadi satu tuntutan sekiranya kes masih berjalan di mahkamah.
"Bahkan proses keadilan di mahkamah, tidak eksklusif pada sumpah sahaja, bahkan pembuktian yang lain seperti pengakuan, penyaksian dan pembuktian di hadapan hakim," katanya.
Zulkifli juga berkata, dalam prinsip perundangan Islam, sumpah hanya diambil kira atau dilakukan apabila diminta oleh 'qadhi' atau hakim.
Sumpah di mahkamah
Jumaat lalu, bekas perdana menteri Najib Razak melafazkan sumpah laknat di Masjid Kampung Baru bagi menafikan pembabitannya dalam pembunuhan wanita warga Mongolia, Altantuya Shaariibuu.
Sumpah laknat itu dibuat selepas bekas pegawai polis, Azilah Hadri yang disabitkan bersalah membunuh Altantuya membuat dakwaan mengejutkan melalui Sumpah Berkanun (SD) dari Penjara Kajang.
Banduan yang sedang menunggu hukuman gantung itu mendakwa arahan untuk membunuh Altantuya datang daripada Najib (ketika kejadian merupakan timbalan perdana menter) dan rakan rapatnya, Abdul Razak Baginda.
Dalam pengakuan julung-julung kalinya itu, Azilah mendakwa dia dan pegawai polis Sirul Azhar Umar hanya mengikuti arahan “shoot to kill” (tembak mati) sebagai anggota pasukan Unit Tindakan Khas (UTK) polis.
Perincian itu dimasukkan dalam permohonan yang difailkan Azilah kepada Mahkamah Persekutuan bagi menyemak semula keputusan bersalah dan hukuman mati terhadapnya.
Dia juga memohon perbicaraan semula bagi mengemukakan bukti penuh berkaitan operasi sulit itu di mahkamah terbuka supaya “keadilan dapat ditegakkan”.
Sementara itu, dalam kenyataan sama, Zulkifli juga berkata bahawa sesuatu sumpah, sekiranya perlu dilakukan, adalah lebih baik dilakukan di mahkamah.
"Pada masa kini, telah wujudnya mahkamah untuk penyelesaian isu perundangan.
Kata Zulkifli, masjid tidak seharusnya dijadikan tempat untuk sumpah laknat kerana masjid antaranya berperanan sebagai pusat pembinaan kerohanian, pengukuhan sosial umat Islam dan tempat pembelajaran serta pendidikan.
"Pihak Jabatan Agama Islam Wilayah Persekutuan (JAWI) wajar mewujudkan dan menguatkuasakan apa-apa peraturan yang melarang apa-apa majlis yang berkaitan dengan sumpah atau sumpah laknat yang melibatkan kepentingan awam atau kes yang sedang dibicarakan di mahkamah, bagi mengelakkan institusi masjid dimanipulasi oleh mana-mana pihak.
"Berkenaan isu sumpah dan mubahalah, pihak kami akan menerbitkan satu Bayan Linnas khas dengan tajuk Mubahalah: Fiqh dan Isunya dalam masa terdekat," katanya lagi.
Sunday 15 December 2019
America. Sultans of Swing
Was voted the 10th best song of 1978. The single was from Dire Straits self titiled debut album.
You get a shiver in the dark,
It's raining in the park, but meantime:
South of the river, you stop and you hold everything.
A band is blowin' Dixie, double-four time.
You feel alright when you hear that music play.
You step inside, but you don't see too many faces.
Comin' in out of the rain to hear the jazz go down.
Competition in other places...
Also, gone almost unnoticied has been the American experience, last experienced in the 1940's. The USA has become a net exporter of oil, barely a year after emerging as the world's top oil producer.
All this, spells trouble for West Asian nations, who rely on America on strategic and military matters.
The USA is interested in oil and selling weapons. If oil no longer interest them, then the Sultans of Swing best be buying a lot of military hardware from uncle Sam
Sunday 1 December 2019
P K R. Sometimes love just ain't enough
Maybe I just want to have it all.
It makes a sound like thunder, it makes me feel like rain.
And like a fool who will never see the truth,
I keep thinking something's gonna change.
Saturday 16 November 2019
Tear Your Playhouse Down
With every mind in town
So what you gonna do when you look up one day
And see your playhouse tumbling down
Sunday 10 November 2019
Ice age coming
Throw it in the fire
Throw it in the fire
Throw it on the
Saturday 14 September 2019
Malaysia. When we were fab
Was a top 30 hit in 1987 for George Harrison. The lyrics goes something like this :
Back then long time ago when grass was gree
Woke up in a daze
Arrived like strangers in the night
Long time ago when we was fab(Fab!) Back when income tax was all we had
Why does this song remind me of Malaysia? Once we were known as the Tiger of Asia. Once our stock exchange volume could surpass that of Dow Jones . Once our football team was feared in Asia. Once we were a united nation, a land blessed with milk and honey. God's Own, blessed with the most strategic sea routes, rich in palm, tin, rubber and oil.
So what went wrong. Why are we once FAB? Has the PAS _UMNO deal pushed Malaysia to the edge? Will this nation now be about Muslim versus non muslim? Will fellow Malaysians boycott products of their fellow Malaysians?
Will we spit towards the sky to only see it fall on our face? Will corrupt leaders use religion as a reason to return to power? If that were to happen will they mend their ways or go on a corrupt rampage?
The answer is on the shoulders of every Malay. Malaysia's well being will be decided by the Malays especially in West Malaysia.
That is the narrative, which we are hearing and reading. But is this the TRUE narrative? Or merely one built on hype?
There is no heavyweight greater than Muhammad Ali. But when he faced Larry Holmes, he was passed his prime.
It could well be, the Malay populace have decided sometime back to turn UMNO into the new aging Muhammad' Ali.
UMNO was mostly great when it lasted, but the cooperation with PAS is the clearest signal yet that it no longer is able to stand on it's own feet.
Its leaders, are facing massive corruption charges, hence the need to become the new Ultra. While it may find hay in some quarters, the Malays by nature are not extremist.
The UMNO _PAS pact has effectively returned Malaysia to its status que. Not Many realise that since 1957, the Malay votes have been split equally between PAS and UMNO.
Now it that split is between UMNO/PAS and BERSATU/PKR. To win a general election, these parties will require help from their Chinese and Indian counterparts.
DIVIDED we FALL. UNITED we stand a fighting chance not to sell our homes to wealthy mainland China nationals, not to sell our identity cards and identity to a foreign nation, not to be led by leaders who had sold Malaysia, in what is acknowledged as the biggest CBT and fraud this world has ever seen.
Hence, the Chinese and Indians have a great responsibility. Don't judge and push your Malay friends into the arms of people and political parties they have rejected.
Don't look at them suspiciously, nothing has changed. UMNO is making its last stand. What Mahathir did not do, make UMNO irrelevant ,Zahid Hamidi is doing, coz for him and Najib Razak, the stakes are more than political office.
It's their liberty at stake
Tuesday 10 September 2019
Meet Anwar Ibrahim. The secretary song
Was a minor indie 2011 hit for the go !!! Team. My dream job is to be Anwar Ibrahim's political secretary.
Can take long leave, go diving and my boss, no need tell him where I am. He will do my job for me too.
So what is the role of a political secretary? Well according to wikipedia, a political secretary's role is to assist political duties and provide appropriate advice on political situations in such constituency, such state or Malaysia at large. A political Secretary is expected to heed, support and inform to the people, development policies and programmes planned by the Government.
If Anwar Ibrahim makes me his political secretary. I can appear on the front pages of news papers more times than Anwar himself. People will be more interested to read about me than Anwar Ibrahim.
I will get paid, my boss will do my work for me. And if need, to clear my system I can always go diving.
Obviously, Anwar Ibrahim pays well. So money won't be an issue for me. My only drawback for the job is my name is not filled with names of notorious world political leaders of the left or those linked in some way or another with terrorists.
Is this the way, the prime minister in waiting is going to run Malaysia? Now I know why some people in PAS and UMNO still refer him as Brother Anwar Bin Ibrahim (BABI)🙄🤪😬🤗🤭
Tuesday 3 September 2019
Maybank. That joke isn't funny anymore.
Was a minor hit for British band the Smiths. Some 6 months ago, Maybank (link is below) said that by September 2019, the Ringgit will be trading at RM3.98 level. What are the PEOPLE at Maybank NOT smoking??? The RINGGIT now trades at RM4.20 against the US dollar .
Clearly the Maybank equity/research desk are not up to scratch. Stop saying things to the press, if you don't mean it. Coz THAT JOKE of the Ringgit trading at RM3. 98 against the dollar isn't FUNNY anymore.
By the way, check out the latest oil price. How are we going to finance our national budget?
Monday 19 August 2019
Utusan Malaysia. It's the end of the world as we know it (and I feel fine)
Was a massive for R.E.M. Utusan staff are being told officially tomorrow that its the of the world as we know it. The once proud paper is laying off most of its staff.
Who is to fault for Utusan's demise? But more importantly, what we should all look at with a fresh view is that the average Malay population have rejected Utusan's often racist stance and false reporting.
The average Malays are not the
ones screaming Bosku or holding up Zakir Naik. They are silent majority who voted for change!!!
Saturday 13 July 2019
China : Malaysia Forever
is a song written by Canadian Bobby Gimby in pre 1965. The Tunku had at one point called it the unofficial national anthem of Malaysia due to its popularity.
News reports say that Malaysia has taken action against companies owned by the China Govt.
You can read it here : https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/se-asia/malaysia-seizes-s328-million-held-by-chinese-state-owned-unit-in-hsbc?xtor=CS3-17&utm_source=STSmartphone&utm_medium=share&utm_term=2019-07-13+18%3A35%3A45
What can I say except leave you with the lyrics of Malaysia Forever :
Let’s get together, Sing a happy song, Malaysia forever, Ten million strong.
Land of the free, Marching as one. Ready to share in every way, So let’s get it done — get it done, get it done,”
Sunday 7 July 2019
Renaissance Hotel. Money in the Grave
Is a hit for Drake on the US charts. Talk in town is Renaissance Hotel, the favourite hotel of Dolly, the ugly hippopotamus is offering a VSS this month.
Number of staff involved, said to be 300!!!. Money in the grave!!! Indeed!!!
Felda. SOS
is a current UK top hit for Aloe Bacc & Avicii. Look's like the people in Felda should be pressing the SOS, button right about now.
Talk in town is Felda has very little left in the tank to the extent that even internal claims, some as long as four months have yet to be cleared.
Certain departments within the group also are being manned by skeleton staff...
Saturday 22 June 2019
Why No Sue. Get up, Stand Up
Is a 1973 classic, written by two men, namely Bob Marley & Peter Tosh. The song was first featured in the album Burnin.
Back home two men are certainly Burnin hot all the headlines.
Haziq Aziz has just challenged the PKR Deputy President Azmin Ali to sue him for defamation after the young stud alleged that he and Azmin are the two Individuals featured in an explosive gay video.
So who is telling the truth? I reserve to comment, instead I will leave you with the lyrics written by Bob Marley & Peter Tosh :
Most people think
Great God will come from the skies
Take away everything
And make everybody feel high
But if you know what life is worth
You will look for yours on earth
And now…
Get up, stand up, stand up for your rights!
Get up, stand up, don't give up the fight!
Get up, stand up, stand up for your rights!
Get up, stand up, don't give up the fight!
Tuesday 11 June 2019
Azmin Ali. Give it to Me Baby
Is a 1981 hit from Rick James. I don't want to say more.. Let Lapizee, Pudin Nasotion& AI do the explaining in days to come!!!
Saturday 1 June 2019
Lynas. Mr Shintaro.
Was a minor hit back in 1983 for the Australian band Men At Work.
In Down Under, they must be happy that the Lynas mess will stay in Malaysia, thanks to Japan, the largest funder and customer of Lynas.
Here is a recap of Mr Shintaro:
Oh Tokyo, lived Shintaro
Little koga ninjas tried to take him away
But Shintaro he's not alone
Got Koga ninjas of his own
They help him in the fight
Sunday 12 May 2019
When the party is OVER
Is a US top 40 hit for Billie Eilish. I can't say that I enjoyed the music, but the title When The Party Is Over is so appropriate for Malaysia.
Here is the economic report card, after a year being ruled by Pakatan Harapan.
1) The stock market is down by 4 per cent, and Bursa Malaysia is the world's worst performing major equity market.
2)The Malaysian Ringgit is the weakest emerging market currency in Asia.
3) To top that, the Ringgit bonds might be dropped come September from the World Government Bond Index.
Thursday 14 March 2019
Najib Razak. Sucker
Is a current top ten hit for the Jonas Brothers. There is a reason why Finance Asia twice voted Najib Razak as the WORST finance minister of this continent.
Najib Razak has rightly pointed out that the stock market has lost RM200 billion in market value, since he lost the Prime Ministership. Part of the reason is because the worst finance minister of this continent, had left us in such a shit HOLE. SUCKER!!!
Friday 22 February 2019
Islamic Arts Museum. Secret Lovers
Was a massive hit for Atlantic Starr, the first time Tun Dr Mahathir was Prime Minister.
Looks like a trio of secret lovers had met at the museum on a Saturday nite, and the hatchet job on Hishamuddin Hussein Onn was put in motion.
The ex defense minister is currently being blamed for the Angkatan Tentera Malaysia land for army base for votes scandal.
The trio are said to be a guy called Mat Syabu, a guy with the most stars in his shirt and a tycoon known only as TSM.
Hishamuddin is seen as an UMNO leader acceptable to Tun Mahathir and to the Azmin faction, while Mr SYABU is known to work well with Anwar Ibrahim and DAP
Saturday 16 February 2019
Abdul Hadi Awang. Born to lose
Here is the lyrics to Motorheads born to lose :
Go ahead put the blame on me,
Another reason to disagree,
Deaf to all the truth for sure,
Hear the hammer knocking at your door.
But you know it's all fairy tales,
A heavy heart like a bag of nails,
Stand up! Show your face,
Another victim of the cold embrace.
Before too long,
No more singers, no more songs.
0h no, last call,
You had a chance, you lost it all*m.
Got some, bad news,
Never learned to dance,
Born to lose
*Telling lies just makes it worse*,
Another loved one, blind and cursed,
*Don't speak the truth, only lies*,
All we need is a reason why.
But then you always miss the point,
Your perfect time is out of joint.
Stand Up! Bite your tongue,
Hell coming and it won't be long.
Your wasted life,
Cut to ribbons with a thousand knives
Right now, right here,
Lose your mind, but show no fear.
Burn slow, no excuse, so unkind,
Born to lose.
Be still, turn your back,
You can't survive, and that's a fact,
I know you can't believe it's true,
The evil years catching up to you.
Now your face, is awful pale,
Never thought you were gonna fail.
Stand up! We cut you down,
The worm awaits you in this barren ground.
Your last goodbye,
Sweet justice for your wasted life.
Right now, no doubt,
In a world of pain, no way out.
Be still, can't refuse,
In a world of shame,
Born to lose.
No remorse, can't cope,
No getaway, up in smoke.
Fade out, we accuse, time to pay,
Born to lose.
Born to lose.
Tuesday 29 January 2019
Media Prima. Who let the dogs out
Was a hit, a global hit for Baha man. Who let the dogs out?, Morgan Stanley on Media Prima?
A big dog is buying into Media Prima via proxy. Media Prima now trades only at 36 Sen.
Is it UMNO, Daim, Mahathir or Anwar? who let the dogs out
Thursday 10 January 2019
Anwar Ibrahim, Proton Saga, 1985. Its all coming back to me
Is the hit from Celine Dion. Dr Mahathir had a nice ride on a 1985 Proton Saga in Johor recently. The number plate is ONE.
Anwar Ibrahim made a statement in India that what will be, will be when asked if he was a no brainer for the Prime Ministership.
Anwar Ibrahim, Proton, 1985 , it's all coming back to me right now...