When this blog first started out, amongst it's first article was on Tabung Haji 's involvement in Reach Energy Bhd, a company with zero track record that wants to spend millions in KHAZAKSTAN's oil sector.
The fear was, if the KHAZAKSTAN venture went bust, the easiest punching bag would have been PM Najib, due to his family ties there.
Well it looks like, you don't have to go as far as KHAZAKSTAN to fix the PM up. You can do it, right at his doorsteps in Pahang.
Talk in town is a major GLC CEO has pressured IJM Corp Bhd to award a traffic management job to ICAH catering.
Yup, you heard it right. A catering company, and too bad for them, their involvement is now cooking up a storm all the way to MRT Corp's doorsteps.