Friday 2 February 2018

Mark of the beast -666. Sick Boy

Is the latest hit single by one of my favourite bands, the chainsmokers.

The Dow Jones fell 666 points yesterday. Is this the mark of the beast?

Is the stock market , a sick boy?. Can we expect a dead cat , bounce next week and then a one day 1000 points drop in the same week?

Or will, the Dow Jones and global stock market, make a U turn to launch yet another bull run?

Nobody has the answers, yet. Next week is going to be an interesting one.

The Malaysian stock market is largely protected, because state funds have control of key index stocks here.

But, a global stock market crash, a strong Ringgit, against the US dollar is not going to help the real economy of Malaysia.

Exporters, who once enjoyed extra income when the Ringgit was trading at RM4.40, now can expect no such thing.

The Ringgit is RM3.89 against the dollar. Clearly, Bank Negara has miscalculated by going for a strong Ringgit policy.

And don't forget, a stock market crash is always the first signal that there is going to be a real economic crash in the coming months.

Today's 666 crash on the Dow jones, comes against the backdrop of a strong economy.  That's what most of  news are saying.

They are not wrong. As the data shows the economy is strong. But almost all these economy data, are either past data or very short term projected data.

Clearly, the big boys are cashing out, as they always do, ahead of a big economic slump.

The stock markets always crashes, when market realises that the real economy is a