Sunday 13 September 2020

CNN. No More The Fool

Was the come back hit single from the album of the same name by the British queen of Blues some 33 years ago.

No more the fool who waits around
Waiting for you to bring me down
Those days are gone now
No more the nights lying awake
Crying and waiting for the day to break
No more the sound as my dreams
Fall and hit the ground
While I wait around
No more the fool

After reading the CNN report on TOP GLOVE, it came as no surprise to me on why CNN was sued by a 16 YEAR OLD

The station decided wisely for a private settlement instead of being dragged to court. There is no doubt in my mind that CNN is a top station, however in recent times QUESTIONS HAVE BEEN RAISED over its editorial  guidelines. 

On CNN's latest REPORT on Top Glove,  those editorial guidelines issues stick out like a sore thumb because it involves very basic mathematics. 

Take for instance the case of : 
Daarul, a former subsistence farmer, says he was asked to pay 120,000 Nepalese rupees ($1,011) in agency fees to take the job. Six years later, he's still working in the factory and dreams of going home but can't afford to. "I work very hard every month, but my salary is still not enough to support my family, let alone pay for a return flight," he said.


Your report clearly states that Daarul earns RM1200 and can claim overtime too. It looks like the dude has free accommodation too, thanks to Kossan Rubbers generosity.

Let's just ASSUME that Daarul earned an average of USD 300 a month. And received ZERO bonus over the six year period. So over a 72 month period, Daarul earned USD 21,600. 

CNN, you mean to tell me the world that Daarul is in such a bad condition that after six years he cannot settle the US$1,011 debt.  

CNN, if you truly believe that, then I think it's time to believe that in the USA, there is now concrete  evidence to suggest that there lives a bigger fool than Donald Trump !!!.🤣🤣🤣🤣