Saturday 10 June 2023

Amirudin Shaari, Sesal dan kesal engkau nanti bila bungamu dirayu orang!!

THE Selangor Menteri Besar Amirudin Shaari, should listen to good advise, that the attacks on Worldwide Holdings  Bhd, is not an attempt to unseat him, rather it is purely a corporate matter.

THE menteri besar had come out swinging in defence of Worldwide Holdings READ : Lawsuit against PKNS subsidiary expected, says Selangor MB.

IS the Menteri Besar aware that certain  Worldwide Holdings personalites had enjoyed luxurious trips abroad,  that were neither under written  by the state or the officials themselves.

AND when the China vendors of Western Power Clean Energy Sdn Bhd, were asked to top up on the generosity with something more tangible, the relationship between the vendor and Worldwide Holdings were placed in cold storage. READ : A clean energy group is claiming RM368 million in damages over attempts to vary the terms of a waste-to-energy project.

IN a state election year, it certainly does look good on Amirudin Shaari's  RESUME, to allow certain key management players in Worldwide Holdings to run amok, by kicking out Western Power Clean Energy Sdn Bhd (WPCE).

THIS is a company which in 2015, had to go through a rigorous presentation with the then Selangor Economic  Advisor, Anwar Ibrahim, before it won the RM1 billion clean energy job in Jeram in 2018.

THE entire business model and the company that should partner the state, as a learning curve as envisioned by Anwar Ibrahim, have now been turned upside down.

WITHIN the political circle, many have bought into the idea, that this is Amirudin Shari's way of showing Anwar Ibrahim, who is the boss, in Selangor at least.

I believe that this is far from the truth, and that Amirudin Shari is actually a misinformed bystander.

CONSIDER the following, on June 2, 2023, the Malaysian Gazatte, gave prominence to World Wide Holdings statement READ : denying the China party's allegations, promising to state the reasons why Worldwide Holdings believe that it was the Chinese party which had actually breached the agreement.

UNTIL today, WorldWide Holdings have yet to state what those reasons are. The Selangor state own company's  sudden silence to state those reasons, merely goes to boost the Chinese company's  claims that they were wronged.

THE silence merely strengthens the position of politicians, who want nothing short of kicking Amirudin Shari's butt out of the Menteri Besar's seat, once Pakatan Harapan trounces Perikatan Nasional in the state elections. 

THE article in question was carried and also tweeted by the Malaysian Gazatte , which within 24 hours, would pull out the story and tweet.

A challenger has emerged to unseat Amirudin Shari,  but it is not Tengku Zafrul. The Zafrul story was just a smokescreen,  as the real challenger is actually from PKR itself, who must be laughing his head out silly on how the Selangor Menteri Besar is he'll bent on losing his job in August.

IF Amirudin Shari is banking on the powers inside Selangor,  that are outside mainstream politics, being able to impose their will on Anwar  Ibrahim, like how they had done so, when  he was in the opposition bench, then the Selangor Menteri Besar is a lot dumber than he looks.

THERE are only two men alive in Malaysia, who understands the true power of a sitting Prime Minister, and how to use those powers to the maximum, to impose their will on others.

ONE of them is Tun Dr Mahathir, and the other being Anwar Ibrahim, the current Prime m
Minister of Malaysia.