Tuesday 20 June 2023

The Attorney General 's Office : Under Scrutiny and soon to be under pressure

THE practising media in Malaysia, has a lot of self  interest in placing the Attorney General's Office under scrutiny for now, and perhaps under pressure at a latter date.

THE Malaysian mainstream media does not have a short memory, this much I can tell you, having been part of the system myself.

WHO was responsible for the abnormal surge in penny stock prices in 2020 and 2021 and why were they or their agents often seen hanging around two popular shopping centres in Kuala Lumpur most of the time?  IT was the Corporate Mafia and their extended family which includes the likes of Kenneth Vun Yun Liun.

DID the Attorney General's Office charge any high ranking members of this stock market underworld for rigging the market and causing retail investors to lose billions of Ringgit? HELL NO.

IN Singapore, a similar case resulted in READ :John Soh jailed 36 years for market rigging.

NEVERMIND that, has the Attorney General's Office charged anyone with regards to READ : the Corporate Mafia case, which the police had officially handed to the AG's office in February?  

AGAIN the answer is a HELL NO. Which brings us to the question will the mainstream media keep silent if the latest case READ : Mafia Korporat Lim Kok Han direman Polis peras ugut guna pistol terhadap Pengerusi GIIB Holdings Berhad is also given the silent treatment?

JUDGING from the publicity generated by the mainstream media, my conclusion is we are not willing to forgive and forget!!!.