Tuesday 6 June 2023

Revenue Group Bhd, Some Like It Hot!

WE  will never know if indeed, the "a sucker is born every minute' quote did indeed originate from the 19th century American showman PT Barnum.

BUT, I can tell you this much that some people at Revenue Group, indeed like it hot, as the share price surge to 30 sen on strong volume with more than 15 million shares traded.

THOSE buying into Revenue Group are retail investors, while those who are selling the Revenue Group Bhd shares are those who have been buying in large blocks, Revenue Group Bhd shares over the past six months at prices way above 30 sen.

WHY are they now selling the shares at a discount? Is it because the Francis Leong Seng Wui group has finally realised that his beloved boss has betrayed him?

AND that law enforcement  in the stiffest possible manner is on the way.

 DO not take my word for it.  Here is the telephone  number +603 22648600 of  Payment Network Malaysia, a company owned by Bank Negara Malaysia and 11 commercial banks.

CALL them lah, and find out for yourself if indeed they have recently hired 28 ex Revenue Group staff for a project of national importance. 

AND,  how do I know that there was excessive block buying of  Revenue Group Bhd , for a sustained six month period.  The money flow chart above  which shows money going into the stock, sticks out like a sore thumb .

NOW look at the 14 day day money flow chart, and it is very obvious that the big boys are off loading even at a loss.

THE selling houses and dealing directors, should wake up that they are not dealing with amateurs, but a group sophisticated enough to nail them too, if need be.