Tuesday 13 June 2023

Umar Swift's joy ride is coming to an end

UMAR Swift, who has overseen the Malaysian stock market moving towards "pariah status" is now under pressure.

UNDER pressure because, the Government wants to know why is it under Umar Swift's leadership the stock market from 2019 up to yesterday has been down by some 17.5 per cent.

UNDER Umar Swift Bursa  Malaysia has become one of Asia's worst performer.  The Anwar Ibrahim administration knows that this cannot allowed to go on which is why  it wants READ : Structural reforms for companies listed on Bursa to be able to benefit from where the money was flowing and bring back investors in the long-term.

MOST of these reforms eventually can be zeroed in on the ESG platform, which highlights the need for ethical announcements to the stock exchange, ethical financing in terms of buying shares and selling shares as well as money coming into the stock market. 

NOT surprisingly do you know what is Umar Swift's response to the government's push to reform on  how things are done on the stock market.

OF course,it's not very good for those who like to cut corners,  but does a 17 5 per cent drop over your entire time leading Bursa Malaysia,look good to the common investor? HELL NO.

UNDER Umar Swift's leadership, Bursa Malaysia has become a place where not only stocks are traded for money but also ethics and morality too.

CONSIDER the following, Hong Seng Consolidated had announced 11 memorandum of understanding over a 24 month period , which comes up to about one MOU every 2.2 months or so, which almost none of it ever materialised.

HAS the stock exchange ever bothered  to find out why this is so? NO

OR how about this one ;  READ : MACC investigating Green Packet, the end game to this was Francis Leong Seng Wui emerged as the second largest shareholder as well as executive director.

READ : MACC investigating Caely/Classita Bhd. The end to this sees, Francis Leong Seng Wui being appointed executive director of the company.

READ : MACC investigating Revenue Group. The end game to this also sees Francis Leong Seng Wui  emerging as the second largest shareholder as well as executive director.

HAS Bursa Malaysia ever bothered to ask why is there such a high co relation between a MACC investigation and Francis Leong Seng Wui? N0.

THE only person that has shown some interest to find out about this matter, I was told is the MACC boss himself Azam Baki.