Thursday 22 June 2023

IS the Green Wave Killing The Economy ?

THE answer to the question, is the Green Wave killing the economy is not a simple one, but one should admit the manner in which certain PAS leaders speak today is a clear and present danger to the Malaysian Ringgit. 

THE very essence of this Green Wave threath can be traced back to READ : Perikatan Nasional's rejection of the King's wish for Malaysia to have a unity Government.

PERHAPS his majesty was merely tired of all the politicians game of thrones or perhaps it boiled down to 100 per cent wisdom, that the King had the foresight to see what a disunited Malaysia could do to the economy.

 WHATEVER it was, the politicians from both sides of the divide,should learn to sit on the same table once again or Malaysia is going to go into the history text books as the rabbit/tiger which got its backside kicked by the tortoise. 

HELLO, PAS supporters your greatest threath is not DAP and hello DAP supporters your biggest threath is not PAS.  Your common number one threath is Indonesia and Vietnam 

YES, Indonesia and Vietnam is our number threath, not because they are in direct competition with Malaysia for foreign direct investment but because they have been stealing the best brains and money from Malaysia by enticing Malaysians to move over there. 

HAS the Malaysian Government even have a remote plan of action  to counter such tax incentives?  HELL NO

WHY is that so? Because as a nation, we are too busy fighting the Green Wave, The Yellow Wave that we have forgotten to look outside and realise that there is a much larger foreign green wave and yellow wave that would like nothing better than to give us a kick right between our lips, to seal it in the history books that the Asian Tiger, Malaysia has finally met her match, to two tortoise who understood the true value of unity.