Thursday 17 August 2023

Anwar ibrahim has got to float like a butterfly and sting like a bee.

IN my opinion one of the biggest mistake the Unity Government did was it did not campaign in the Kedah farmland on the basis that a vote for the Unity Government candidate, is a vote to abolish Bernas Bhd.

SCROLL through the Internet and one can rightly conclude that the opinions on Syed Mokthar Al Bukhary's Bernas is either God Send or the work of the devil.

ANY which way, we choose to see it, our opinion could be flawed and swayed by existing biasness, hence it would have been better to allow the farmers and their extended families to ponder and decide.

WOULD it have dramatically changed the results of the Kedah state elections? I honestly don't know but it would have made Anwar Ibrahim's life much easier when he lays down budget 2024, come October 2023.

FOR decades now, as leader of the opposition. Anwar Ibrahim  has READ : consistently fought against giving Bernas a free hand to monopolise rice imports.

THE Prime Minister when he was the leader of the opposition, had also stated READ : Orang kaya kaut untung, pesawah susah, Anwar bantah Bernas dilanjut monopoli beras.

NOW as Prime Minister, Anwar Ibrahim heads a Government which in the first time in decades have a two thirds majority in Parliament, hence there is no more execuse why READ :The man behind Bernas, which happens to be Bersatu's single biggest political funder, should be used to distribute federal aid to paddy farmers in Kedah