Wednesday 17 July 2024

WiseGuy inside The Corporate Mafia : The Corporate Mafia Infused Central Bank of Malaysia.

BESRA Gold,  a company publicly traded on the Australian stock exchange after months of being suspended from being traded, has finally admitted that money from Quantum Metal won't be forthcoming. VIEW : It's all over, for Lim Khong Soon's Quantum Metal.

THERE was a BL00D BATH  on the trading floor, with Besra Gold shares being culled by as much as 28 per cent on its maiden post suspension trading day.

WHILE  the blood stains haven't yet dried up, there was celebrations elsewhere specifically at the Australian Federal Police headquarters and at the Reserve Bank of Australia 

THE duo have worked together closely beyond the call of duty, to prevent money being suspected being churned by a Gold related ponzi scheme, and testosterone fuel drug money from entering Australia.

WHAT prevented, Quantum Metal from executing the deal with  Besra Gold wasn't a lack of money, but the moral fiber of the Australian Federal Police Force and the Reserve Bank of Australia, which insisted that wrongs don't make a right.

QUANTUM  Metal nor its agents were allowed to open banking accounts to transfer the money to Besra Gold.  Attempts to use legal firms in Australia to facilitate such transfers were not only stopped,  but in PUBLIC SLAP in the FACE of BANK NEGARA  MALAYSIA, the money was transferred back to Malaysia. READ :  The ties that binds a nexus of evil. Quantum Metal and Revenue Group Bhd, different names but same FACE

THE Aussies , most likely were cheesed of that a criminally inclined drug fueled ponzi scheme, with a RM11 billion money game on its resume was being protected by BANK NEGARA MALAYSIA.

THE central bank of Malaysia, which ultimately is answerable to the Minister of Finance , Anwar Ibrahim , who also happens to be the Prime Minister  had .READ : on Jan 2024, declared publicly that Quantum Metal are pioneers .

THE central bank of Malaysia, has much to answer for, more so to Anwar Ibrahim,  who is not part of the group, being paid money by the tonnes for being the willing WHORE of The Corporate Mafia .

MORE so, the central bank of Malaysia, not the institution, but those plying their corrupt trade there, definitely  have very short memories. REMEMBER 2014, under a different governor, the following name ; THE Quantum Capital programme?

BANK Negara Malaysia's liberal views on Quantum Metal and its strange actions in playing word games to keep the Corporate  Mafia's Quantum Metal, has been done at the expense of Anwar Ibrahim.

THE  Prime Minister, said to be the nation's greatest political orator on record, will be knocked out speechless on this one ; 

We can tolerate the inactions of the central bank, but whay do you make of a group who can't even open a bank account in Australia,  having even their money returned to Malaysia, being  glorified and toasted as pioneers,  by BANK NEGARA MALAYSIA?