Tuesday, 14 January 2025

WiseGuy inside The Corporate Mafia ; The Left of Centre Part 2

WHY is important that the classification of loans given by Kreditkomuniti firms owned by public listed companies have more clarity.

FOR one, lump classifying them as SME LOANS, is deceitful, doesn't provide clarity to investors and possibly against the law.

WHY is it  against the law ? Well just as two wrongs don't make a right, one wrong and one right don't make it a right either.

CONSIDER the following ; On the announcement by Revenue Group that it has lent money to Sin Chin Chai to acquire shares in Inguiner Bhd. VIEW: The Sin Chin Chai purchase

YET it classifies the loan as an SME LOAN.
ANY one who runs a small and medium business can tell you that the risk between buying shares on borrowed money and running a business cannot be clasified as the same.

THE question here is what is Bursa Malaysia going to do about it. What action will be taken against Revenue Group Bhd???