WHAT Malaysia has failed to do, Australia have DONE to protect Quantum Metal members, as READ: a special court have begun investigating Besra Gold, specifically Lim Khong Soon.
THE full fledge investigation with a serious criminal tone, has forced yet again for Besra Gold shares to be suspended from the Australian Exchange since yesterday.
AND when Quantum Metal was not permitted by the Reserve Bank of Australia from depositing money from Malaysia to Besra Gold, READ : Quantum Metal generously allowed Besra Gold to keep the money interest free.
FROM the home front duo have successfully transfered READ : RM112 million to Besra Gold, a public listed company in Australia controlled by Lim Khong Soon.
AND when Quantum Metal was not permitted by the Reserve Bank of Australia from depositing money from Malaysia to Besra Gold, READ : Quantum Metal generously allowed Besra Gold to keep the money interest free.
NEVERMIND, the RM112 million which now looks like it has been gifted to Besra Gold by Quantum Metal, far exceeds Besra Gold's market capitalisation of about RM94 million .
ONE would expect, minimum atleast Besra Gold, having been mining gold for donkey years, should atleast have some gold reserves in the bank.
BESRA Gold has READ : zero physical gold.