Sunday 22 September 2024

Bank Negara Malaysia & Banking Fraud.

JUST over a month ago, Bank Negara Malaysia, Payments Network Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. (PayNet), and financial institutions, READ : launched the National Fraud Portal as an integrated platform to strengthen the operational capabilities of the National Scam Response Centre.

I doubt,  if the national fraud portal will do any good in preventing banking frauds as long as Bank Negara Malaysia, does not enforce its rule book on who gets to be employed at the top echelon in banks and financial gateway companies.

DO tell me, and Malaysia too, dear Bank Negara Malaysia,  how should the public feel or preceive e payment entities such as Revenue Group Bhd  or even the entire banking sector as a whole, especially  since Quantum Metal's former chairman, Kamari Zaman Juhari, now is sitting pretty as chairman of Revenue Group. 

SHOULD the public who is well aware that the fish rots from the head onwards, feel safe with this type of people being given the keys payment companies?

OR should they be thinking is this Kamari Zaman Juhari the same dude from Quantum Metal that had its millions of US dollar transfer to Australia, being rejected by Australian Central Bank known as the Australian Reserve Bank.

OR should they be asking themselves, did Quantum Metal investors ever gey their money back or how instrumental was Kamari Zaman Juhari in marketing Quantum Metal to the public?

THE bottom line,  there is a big problem at the Bank Negara Malaysia  level, which is preceived to be more interested in protecting the interest of its former staff than the interest of MALAYSIA.