Saturday 14 January 2023

Rafizi Ramli, usah sembang kosong, kalu berani : Nyalakan Tekad!!!

is a patriotic song composed in the 1960's by Abdullah Harun & Ahmad Nawab with Mariam Ahmad providing the vocal power.

RAZIFI Ramli has been silent in recent days, because he has been exposed for what he is : a smooth talking politician with a formula that does not work. The PKR genius boy, is now silently preparing to impose the GST on Malaysians.

Megah langit dijunjung 
Rela bumi nan dipijak 
Kan megah ibu mengandung 
Putera puterinya berjasa.

IS the GST a good tax system? YES it is. Should we implement the GST now? NO, because the world economy might spiral to a brutal recession, and the GST, will help trigger another round of inflation in Malaysia.

SO, how do we compete in global economic stage, and at the same time make sure Malaysians who wish to work from top to bottom will have jobs ready for them to fill and how do we fight inflation without wasting money? .

SIMPLE,. abolish the minimum wage for foreigners, and legislate that in every job sector, there must be a minimum 30 per cent Malaysian work force, who will be paid a living wage of  RM2000.

WHY , should we abolish the minimum wage for the foreigne workforce?  The answer is because, for one we know 2023 will be a hard year, and two please do your home work lah Malaysia,  RM1500 is about 200 per cent to 300 per cent more than the minimum wage in Bangladesh and Nepal. 
#Langit dijunjung, Bumi Di Pijak.
 #Kera dihutan disusukan, anak dirumah kelaparan

DO note most of these foreign workers get RM1500 here, also get free or subsidised housing and transport to work but Malaysians working for RM1500, must pay for their own housing, transportation and food. 

THE government is treating Bangladeshi, and Nepalis as the true BUMIPUTERA here, while the Malay, Indian and Chinese , we are truly the second class citizen of this land.

HOW to overcome Inflation then? SIMPLE , abolish the Approve Permit system and instantly , we will see prices from simple food stuff to cars come down to very affordable level.

APA macam genius boy, Rafizi Ramli...Nyalakan lah tekad #MalaysiauntukrakyatMalaysia