Saturday 1 April 2023

Part 8 : Besnya Si Anwar Ibrahim boleh : Pergi Mampus Dengan Mulut Orang

is a hip hop song from internet motivator Andika Putera with a little help from Snipersosa. The single was released about three years ago.

DEAR Anwar Ibrahim, can you explain to Malaysia , how is it possible READ : Malaysia secures RM170bil investments from China through 19 MOUs when a M.O.U is a non binding agreement which may or may not happen?

Tak pula sakit bila dikeji
Apa nak jadi 
Aku tak peduli
Aku just buat 
Untuk rasa HAPPY

DEAR,  Anwar Ibrahim are you now going to change the definition of M.O.U as stated n dictionaries world wide,like how you redefined the meaning of nepotism? READ : Anwar defends Nurul Izzah’s appointment, says not nepotism

WHAT is a M.O.U? A M.O.U is not legally binding agreement according to Investopedia.

DATUK seri🤣, can I call you that please. DO you realise DATUK seri, 🤣 the only investment you announced on Malaysian soil, that too a RM5 billion EV investment, look like it's a fake. READ : Anwar give EV lift to Computer Forms.

DATUK seri, 🤣 do you realise that in down town Bukit Bintang what they are saying? READ : The head of the notorious KV syndicate is the Hong Kong Phooey, number one super guy that even DATUK Seri can't touch him

DATUK seri, 🤣, my brother was briefly detained when he attended your reformasi gathering when you got fired as the Deputy Prime Minister. He told me in those days if this KV group dare make you look like a fool, you will finish them off.

PLEASE redeem yourself, Saudara Anwar Bin Ibrahim. Show them who is boss, so we can support you without dogs barking at us, children throwing stones at us and adults laughing at us.