Thursday 18 May 2023

Attention Government of Malaysia, why don't you go into 13investor and read what people are talking about you?

DID i write any of the comments in 13investor?  NO  i did not ,  nor do I know any of those who wrote the comments either on a professional or private basis nor did i plan with any parties to place those comments.

HELLO Anwar Ibrahim and the Government of Malaysia, when you have the time, why don't you guys go through what people who invest in our stock market are saying.

THE Prime Minister who is also the Finance Minister will have to decide  as soon as possible if this is the type of reputation he wants the Unity Government to be associated with.

DO the public want  Victor Chin Boon Long and his so called corporate mafia to be charged? I believe what the public wants is either the financial requlators,and law enforcement come out and say that the guy has been framed or charge him and everyone else involved if they have broken the law.