Wednesday 31 May 2023

Awas, awas ada imposter, bermuka dua, aslinya Koruptor!!!.

HAMZAH Zainuddin, depending on who you talk too, comes out either as a very intelligent guy or a dud with low confidence, who by chance made it to the big league, riding on Muhyiddin Yassin's personality and personal popularity.

AS opposition leader, Hamzah has been a disappointment, and now that he no longer is the Home Minister, serious questions are beginning to emerge,  if BERSATU's true agenda is actually a very anti Malay one at the B40, and M40 level.

BERSATU's sole purpose is to keep the traditional  status que alive, meaning the elite Malay who are a minority in this country, get to enjoy the wealth of the nation, while the poorer Malays, are easy game for abuse.

I am not speculating here.  Consider the following. BERSATU made a big show of READ:  Bersatu 'adopts' bodyguards allegedly beat up for fasting.

BUT did the guy who beat up the body guard and insulted their personal believes end up in Jail and made to pay by this so called Malay ultra party?

WHERE was the Malay first Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin? Why didn't he use all his influence to speed up the case as a matter of national interest, and jail the guy?

COULD the lack of action be linked to the guy's wealth? Is Bersatu the model day KITUL who have been selling the Malay dignity and pride for a price?

A single case, does not make a pattern, but unfortunately for the Malays there is a pattern in the Bersatu DNA of  throwing the non elite Malays to the wolf.

BLOGGER, Thick As Brick says 70 per cent of drug addicts are Malays, thus it is the best weapon of choice for those who have ill intentions.

YET again a man money, with a product that destroys the Malay community, under Bersatu's watch and nobody was charged. READ: Found in Malaysia, RM2.4 billion worth of Cocaine,that packed its ownself and made it to the Atta Global warehouse by it self and the vicious RM300 million man.

THE blogger says chance of a link between the Corporate Mafia and drug barons are on the high side. I don't doubt the statement for a second because, how many really stupid people you know off, who are extremely wealthy doing nine to five jobs or nine to nine business,READ : Would over pay by 347 per cent to pump in RM40 million into Revenue Group via dubious conversion of the warrants.

VERY few people have that type of Money and fewer still are dumb enough to pay such a premium, and remain a minority shareholders in a company with damaged reputation, adding to its growing  reputation of bleeding red ink.

DO I expect the SC or Bursa officials to do the right thing . No. I have said it before and I will say it again, at the decision making level,  both organisations are corrupt to the core.

AND I will repeat this again, Malaysia is just one article away either in the Wall Street Journal,  Singapore Straits Times, the South China Morning Post or even Al Jazeera  on this subject matter, and the stock market's spinal cord will be decimated.