Wednesday 31 May 2023

Revenue Group : Every Men For Himself

A 636 year old proverb, has come to life in Revenue Group, as a posse of talented and rich people,  no longer trust each other to operate as a cohesive unit

THE Corporate Mafia no longer move in unison, having been ripped apart into four different faction, who no longer talk to each other.

GROWN men who used to drink together, are not only dumping shares on each other,  their actions are making two former deputy ministers very nervous.

APPARENTLY, there is secret war to oust their own party president.

WHO supplied them the war chest and for how long has this been going on  we shall soon find out.

 IN the interim the two former deputy ministers now risk paralysing their political aspirations.

EVERYMEN for himself , does not mean any one has abandon ship yet, although at this point nobody is a team player.

THE behaviour pattern, is a hand in glove fit the Money Flowing into the  Revenue stock, which only recently has flashed the CODE BLUE, that now money is running out from the stock. 

MONEY has been  flowing into the equity for months now, has now gone route with all the ingredients of a Korean drama where the bad guys have bought close to 87 per cent of the company without making a declaration to the stock  exchange. 

I suspect the real action is on Friday. VICTOR Chin Boon Long, you now have a great window of opportunity to dent my credility by pushing the shares up on Friday.

I suspect even a price surge won't put the smile back on the face  of Francis Leong Seng Wui.
WHY is that so? Go listen to  George Harrison's massive hit from the 1980's.I GOT MY EYES SET ON YOU,   for clues