Sunday, 14 May 2023

Corporate ESG in Play As Plantations Say NO to Bangladesh Workers, is a tight slap in the face for the likes of Kenanga Investment Bank

WAY before glove makers such as Top  Glove and Kossan Rubber fell into the trap of not playing by the rules of the Enviromental, Social and Governance framework, Malaysia's gold crop industry proved yet again why class is permanent while form is temporary.

THE reason why the plantation sector had stopped taking in workers from Bangladesh was because the industry had wised up to the economic realities that duped labour equals to labour who will run away from you, cost you a bomb to get them replaced and if something bad happens while the workers are trying to escape, guess who the world is going to sanction?

WHAT can the likes of Kenanga Investment Bank, the financers of the corporate mafia learn from all of this?  The lesson here is no sector, and no player should consider themselves bigger than the ESG/MADANI framework because when it rains, as we all know it pours