Tuesday 30 January 2024

Pengampunan Najib ; Dumb and dumber!!!!

DID the New Straits Times, run a so called execlusive source story flash on Najib Razak's pardon with out actually having a source? 

AND did the failed actor from the Gol Gincu drama, which has a four star rating on Rotten Tomatoes for bad acting, turned communication minister Fahmi Fadzil bungle up again by attempting to throw  in names READ such as the Cabinet StratComm and Azalina Othman, to show the world , how big a man he is? 

I am afraid on both accounts, the parties are guilty as charged in my book, atleast.

CONSIDER,  the following, the New Straits Times currently run by Farrah Nas Karim, who as a reporter covering the Putrajaya beat, was Nick named CINDERELLA for reason best kept a secret, had flashed out the above some 10 minuets after Utusan had carried out an exclusive on Najib Razak's pardon.

YET,when it became evidently clear there was no full pardon to show off, for the day, Utusan had retracted the story.
NST meanwhile, had quickly deleted all links on its sources less report, which it had actually pinched from Utusan to READ : pin the blame game solely on Utusan, which was actually carrying a report from a source ,that it thought was reliable.

UNDER Farrah Nas Karim's incompetent leadership, in December alone VIEW : NST has dropped some 800 steps down in the global website rankings.