Sunday 20 June 2021


is a single from two very ordinary hip hopers , namely Tuke and Cerulean who asked this very important question.
Apa guna 70 nakoda
Kalau semua goyang kaki?.

Goyang Kaki  is what it looks like when even in the terms,  Muhyiddin Yassin  and  his science  minister Khairy Jamaluddin  use, they seem to be talking GREEK to each other.

Out of the blue, Muhyiddin came out with the statement today on herd immunity CLICK HERE TO READ .

Just two days ago, KJ warned that Malaysia must be careful when using the term herd immunity in the fight against Covid 19.CLICK HERE TO READ

No wonder, young boys like Tuke and Cerulean have this to say in GAGAL;

Nak ngaku tu abah kita
Takde anggap family
Sebab diorang dapat layanan berbeza
Negeri bawah bayu saksi masalah mula
berganda ganda

Ada susah ada senang
Ada yang sanggup mati
Tinggal anak, tinggal bini
Still tak dikenang budi.