Saturday 15 July 2023

Enter the Perikatan Nasional Sandman, the one man army called Anwar Ibrahim with the Green Tsunami!!!

THE one man army called Anwar Ibrahim, the one Perikatan Nasional fear the most, has landed at the centre of the Malay heartland in a manner most unexpected.

UNLIKE Perikatan Nasional who have managed to utilise the power of Tik Tok and Facebook to shape minds and perception, Anwar Ibrahim has chosen a different route.

HE has opted to go old Skool, instead of "carpet bombing tactics" of social media, Anwar Ibrahim strategy points to a brick by brick, street by street and village by village dismantling of the Perikatan Nasional armory.

BY going old Skool, Anwar Ibrahim's weapon of choice is to go down to the epicentre of the Malay heartland and to speak to the Malays directly, not the mega business owners.

BUT to the likes of Muhyiddin Yassin's mythical Makcik Kiah, and the men who work the land, that long before Muhyiddin Yassin, Abdul Hadi Awang had found this hard pressed group usefully as a political weapon, that he is, Anwar Ibrahim who went to jail for them READ49 years ago, to fight that the farmers voice be heard.

 NOW as Prime Minister, Anwar Ibrahim is back on the streets of Kedah, the rice bowl of the nation, with a mandate that only a man who truly knows the true extent of the Prime Ministership will dare set foot at.

IT comes at a time when farmers are grousing that the Syed Mokthar 100 per cent ownership of Bernas is keeping them poor. READAnwar Ibrahim uses the nuclear golden share option to force Padi Beras to distribute 30 per cent of their profits to farmers,

HOW will Muhyiddin Yassin respond when it is in grained in the farmers mind on a daily basis that the Malay mens right to be rich by working the soil of the land that God had bestowed to them as guardians WERE SOLD OFF, by Bersatu in return for READRM200 million from Bukhary Equity Sdn Bhd, owned by business tycoon Syed Mokhtar Albukhary and his wife Sharifah Zarah Syed Kechik

MUHYIDDIN Yassin can't run from the fact that in less than seven months into the job as Prime Minister, he had signed off another ten year monopoly extension for Syed Mokthar's Padi Beras.

WHERE will the Perikatan Nasional's election director cum Kedah Menteri Besar Muhammad Sanusi Md Nor put his face, when the farmers come asking why their fair share of the country's wealth was given to a SINGLE INDIVIDUAL?

TRULY, it is GAME ON for a fight to the finish, against the Tun Mahathir faction and Perikatan Nasional, by a man who they jailed, laughed at, mocked and dismissed for 24 years, that he will never make it to the top in their life time.

IT is also a slap in the face for the PAS rank and file for turning their backs on what their mursyidul am Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat told them in his life time that: READ :  To treat Anwar Ibrahim as how they would treat him and that Anwar should be their Prime Minister

NIK Aziz words looks like its going to haunt and condemn those men beyond the six state elections READOrang yang memalukan itu dia pula dimalukan sekarang.