Tuesday 11 July 2023

Victor Chin Boon Long' s Anwar Ibrahim Problem.

A friend of mine, close to some of the closes advisors to Anwar Ibrahim, tells me that until today, the Prime Minister  hasn't signed a single document nor given verbal instructions to favour or dis favour one businessmen or company over another.

ANWAR Ibrahim is clearly playing it by the ethical books because legally, making  a recommendation to your subordinate is not a criminal offence. 

THE  Prime Minister  wants to lead by example, and the same time ingrain it into the civil service, that they will be held accountable if there are leakages,  going forward.

OVER the last couple of weeks, Victor Chin Boon Long's looked from the outside like they are back in the high life again.

TO cement  the impression that progress has been made, that once again the Victor Chin Boon Long's Group has the ear of Putrajaya, READ ;The NO Economic Sence Warrant Conversion that has pumped in RM55 million into the company, had been reignited.

WHAT more with the corporate appointments at the Bestinet Sdn Bhd level, and  the emergence of ViEW:  Bestinet CFO Kunal Tayak's 18 per cent purchase of Green Packet, and with prospects of other recognisable names such as Muhammad Qhailiz Norman and his father the big Bangla Mohd Aminul Islam Abdul Nor appearing at a latter stage.

THINGS should be looking good for Victor Chin Boon Long and his Corporate Mafia, but unfortunately it is not.

THOSE names above have been closely linked  to Victor Chin Boon Long since 2019, some of those links are tied with G3 Bhd which had a cruel role in the staged  and force demise of Green Packet Founder Puan Chan Cheong.

THE  Victor Chin Boon Long group failed to get,  a payment gateway deal done  from 2019 to 2022, when they had the ear of many a minister in putrajaya, including Khairy Jamaluddin. 

THE names that Victor Chin Boon Long's Group  are banking on are all YESTERDAY'S MEN, and as I mentioned, RECOGNISABLE  names and not BIG NAMES in Anwar Ibrahim's Corporate Malaysia.

AND what are the recognised for?  Nothing illegal, just QUESTIONABLE ethics, and unfortunate timing because the Prime Minister is ploughing a lot of resources to seed a Corporate Madani ESG platform, with ETHICS as its MAIN ROOT/FOUNDATION.


*FOR exclusive reading pleasure of  Victor Chin Boon Long Only 

YOUR plans are in distress Victor Chin Boon Long. You are dealing with a group, that is far more sophisticated, and one wrong move at this stage, and overseas travel comes with a Caveat, detention abroad in no longer a probability, rather a clear and present POSSIBILITY.