Wednesday 12 July 2023

Lazy Bursa Malaysia .

WHO are we to blame, for the laziness and TIDAK APA attitude of Bursa Malaysla?  The CEO Umar Swift or the non executive chairman  Wahid Omar, who nevertheless sets and dictates the ageda and direction of the weekly meetings.

BOTH should be held responsible. Both men's laziness,  has swept across the stock exchange. 

CONSIDER  the following.  The MACC flashed out in almost all the news publications that the agency is looking for READ : Justin Lim Hwa Tat, the chief executive of Sersol Bhd.

MY question is how come Bursa Malaysia did not query Sersol Bhd on the matter in specific areas such as 

1)  How long has Justin gone missing.

 2)IF indeed the guy is missing,  did he take with him any of the company's money?

3) Now that the CEO is not in office , who going to manage the day to day running of Sersol.

4)Has the company manage to contact Justin.

WHERE  does Bursa Malaysia expect us to get all those answers if  not from the Bursa Malaysia  website...the newspapers, the comment section of .Malaysiakini or maybe on Tik  Tok.

NOW  you know why I READ : rubbished Wahid Omar yesterday.  He deserves to be rubbished because, under him and Umar Swift, there is no urgency to drive the exchange forward.