Thursday 13 July 2023

Victor Chin Boon Long, Whoes Car is this? How come Revenue Board of Directors don't want to call in the Police,?

WHOES car is this? Which company paid for it ? And under whoes name is this car registered in now?

AND why is this car, which is not paid for by Eddie Ng Chee Siong , parked in his house...

FRANCIS Leong Seng Wui, who likes to start any conversation with I'm from Green Packet, how do you think, all thod is going to reflect on you, the role you played..

BETWEEN  Victor Chin Boon Long and Francis Leong Seng Wui, friends for 20 years now, its every man for himself before the roots come down.

THIS is just the car, if the share management cat leaves the bag, friends will become enemies and the enemy of your friend, will then be your FRIEND.