Monday 6 November 2023

WiseGuy inside The Corporate Mafia : The identity of the secret substantial shareholder of Revenue Group.

FANS of Najib Razak,  Malaysia's very popular ex Prime Minister should ask themselves, why is he caged behind bars, when the likes of Francis Leong Seng Wui  can roam freely as a bird  with IMPUNITY. 

THEY should demand anwsers rightfully, because once we remove the headline, billions of dollars that went absent without leave in 1MDB, why was actually Najib Razak imprisoned?

NOW compare that to some RM62.59 million in cash that went into Revenue Group due to the warrant conversion that made no economic sence, because the conversion price was 75 sen at a time the mother share was trading at 25 sen or below .

 OR how about the RM6 million which was used to convert GreenPacket warrants  to 15 million Greenpacket mother shares at a time if one were to use that same RM6 million to buy GreenPacket mother shares in the open market, one could have easily end up owing 120 million GreenPacket  mother shares. 

DETAILS on the matter above, such as the transaction dates and the conversion dates can be found at READ: One Swallow Don't Make A Summer

THE name that crops up in both Greenpacket and Revenue Group is Francis Leong Seng Wui, who seems to act with IMPUNITYa feat that even Najib Razak could not achieve. 

YET we get outraged when PAS says READ : non Muslims are the root of corruption in Malaysia.

NOW coming back to the name that crops up as the secret substantial shareholder of Revenue Group Bhd.  

WELL the name that has cropped up is CIMB Corp Group Holdings Bhd or to be more specific,  the asset management arm of CIMB Corp Group Holdings Bhd.

BUT where is the proof??? Coming SOON!!!