Friday 15 April 2022

What’s more frightening than an EVIL leader? : TENGAH SEDAP!!!

is a song released in 2018,  and performed by  Sisson,  with additional support from Boi Tasik.  The song has more than 1.2 million views  and counting on  YouTube alone as a testament to its popularity.

THE UK's Guardian 's Column That Will Change Your Life,  noted in a 2017 editorial  READ :What’s more frightening than an evil world leader? A stupid one

We are now witness,  albeit  on hindsight  to the wisdom of  the Column That Will Change Your Life. 

I FIND it amusing that while specialist trained in medicine as well as the Malaysia Medical Association  are in one voice  READ :

1.MySejahtera Has “Outlived Its Usefulness”: Malaysia Medical Association Calls For Halt To Check-Ins As We Enter Endemic Phase

2.MySejahtera sudah tidak relevan - Pakar

Lu diri kat sini
Biar lu sedar
Peduli apa kau
Aku sedap
Aku sedap
Ku tak sedar
Ku tak sedar
And its ok
Aku ok
Cara gini

BUT who cares what the experts say?   The health minister Khairy Jamaluddin who is neither a scientist  nor a doctor,  it seems know better.  READ :  MySejahtera is RELEVANT says Khairy Jamaluddin.

KHAIRY  Jamaluddin  should perhaps  get some wisdom  from  Singapore's Josephine Teo Li Min,  the women listed in 2020 by Google as Singapore's  Worst Minister. VIEW :   On Relevance: The true test is whether the public trust ...

PUBLIC  Trust determines relevance,  and relevance is ultimately reflected in the numbers,  which in turn merely states the facts on the ground .