Sunday 18 February 2024

Lim Khong Soon is NOT the owner of Quantum Metal.

THERE is a saying, sepandai-pandai tupai melompat, akhirnya jatuh ke tanah juga.  

FOR Quantum Metal, when the fall comes , it will be a hard one. Even the anthropomorphic egg, Humpty Dumpty which fell into pieces, will definetly count itself LUCKY.

MALAYSIA is a top target for investment scams, as READ majority of the victims choose to keep silent, and move on with life.

TAKE Quantum Metal for instance, where property developer, RISING GREEN Sdn Bhd executive director LIM Khong Soon, keep harping on his status as FOUNDER  of Quantum Metal.

YES,  Lim Khong Soon is one of the founders of Quantum Metal. Polis DiRaja Malaysia, should ask Lim Khong Soon how many shares he owns in Quantum Metal's listed parent in the United States?

LIM Khong Soon, best not be giving another one of his grandmother stories. The DOMINANT shareholder in the listed parent of  the entire group is VIEW: 95.79 per cent owned by the public. Basically, this means Lim Khoon Soon has cashed out a long time ago, despite he encouraging the B40 public to throw away their hard earned money

AND since Quantum Metal is listed in the US,  one may assume that the public share holding context here , might also include Israeli citizens , and considering Lim Khoon Soon and his joker friends don't even own four per cent of, the company, WE MAY NEVER KNOW THE ANWSER.

WE do have some answers though, such as Quantum Metal, the parent , which is now an American company, and not in any Shariah specific index in the Big Apple, VIEW : only has NINE staff.

HOWEVER  a check on the ultimate owner of Quantum Metal, reveals that at group level VIEW: That Quantum Metal's Free Cash Flow is NEGATIVE of more than RM100 million.

AND  no folks, the miserable Quantum Metal deceptive, manipulative ways does not end here. VIEW : Lim Khong Song inffers to Quantum Metal owning a bullion bank in the Australia, when they actually have incorporated a company named bullion

NOW let's look at Lim Khong Song's pumped up statements that the Australian entity Besra Gold Inc has 100 tonnes of unmined gold reserves in Malaysia.

LIM Khong Soon, make hay when the sun is still up but keep the Barreta Theme Song close by ;  THE GOING GETS NARROW  from here ON.