Saturday 3 February 2024

The Ministers of Dis Information

AKMAL Saleh, has iNGRATE stamped all over him , after his plan which lacked wisdom , backfired and blew directly on his face.

FOR a few hours , Akmal Saleh had the attention of Malaysians following his publicity seeking outburst READ : that we, as in UMNO were played out, with regards to Najib Razak's, pardon..

UMNO's information chief Lokman Adam, who is close to Najib Razak, meanwhile READ: thanked Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim for his behind the scene efforts to help fast track Najib Razak's pardon plea.

RIGHTFULLY, Akmal Saleh now looks like an INGRATE , and to top it off his Facebook posting alleging READ :Bila Anwar Ibrahim diberikan pengampunan dulu langsung xberbunyi pula yaBab kena kat muka sendiri boleh,bab orang lain xboleh,  is down right Kurang ajar dan biadap.

FOR the record, since we are on the subject of bab kena kat muka sendiri boleh, READ : Anwar Ibrahim's Pardon was turned down when in 2015 when Najib Razak was the Prime Minister.

THAT, being said, does Najib Razak deserve a pardon? In my opinion, it's a YES, but it has nothing to do with the element of guilt or innocence.

RATHER, due to the magnitude of the 1MDB crime, you don't have to be Albert Einstein to figure it out ; that one man could not have pulled this off. 

WE should either put every official across the food chain on trial and jail them too, failing which we should give Najib Razak a break.

EVEN those no longer close to Najib Razak such as Raja Petra Kamaruddin and Khairy Jamaluddin have been trying to jump into the Najib Razak pardon fiasco, using dis nformation type techniques 

TAKE for instance, Raja Petra's logic that READ : Najib Razak tidak diberi Pengampunan is hogwash of the highest decree.

ON Khairy Jamaluddin insistence that the READ;  pardons board must explain it self, is just a futile bid to regain relevance.

WHY didnt Khairy Jamaluddin,  back in 2015,  when he was the all powerful UMNO Youth head as well as a cabinet minister, not say a word when Anwar Ibrahim's  pardon was turned down READ : Given the Attorney-General was the chief prosecutor at Anwar’s trials, it is difficult to perceive how, wearing a new hat, he can now exercise that function [to give legal advice on the petition] impartially in relation to Anwar.

LAST but not least, can Najib Razak be pardoned twice for the same crime? Of course, he can. One can look at the READ : curious case of Mokthar Hashim whoes death sentence was reduced to life in prison before getting a full fledge pardon in 1991