Sunday 2 June 2024

A probe on MCMC, can help boost Anwar Ibrahim's, standing among the Malays..

IT will be extremely embarrassing to the Government's chief spokesman, Fahmi Fadzil if he were to be questioned point blank, why is it Touch N Go seems to be combating illegal gaming much more effectively , then the MCMC.?

THE multi media commission, often referred to as the MCMC is parked under Fahmi Fadzil:s ministry.

TO identify those delinquent accounts, TNG would have naturally monitored those heavy volume gaming sites.

MCMC however has yet to block them, Malaysia, wonders why. Perhaps the MCMC Chairman and the Minister can offer an explanation, or better still for the MACC to start poking their nose in this matter.

CONSIDERING, many Malay youngsters from the B40 background  form the bulk of the illegal slot players, a clamp down on those sites, can actually change the perception held by younger Malays about Anwar Ibrahim .

THE  Prime Minister will definitely earn the gratitude of the families, grappling against the gambling Scrooge.