Saturday 8 June 2024

State of the nation : Meet the Mongrels

MALAYSIA has become a place where you can actually have a go and mock Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim, or even DPM Zahid Hamidi, and nothing much will happen to you unless, you do the stupid thing and start making up stories.

JUST ask the three gentlemen above, who for months were going on and on with their PLANTA stories uninterrupted even by MCMC until they decided to make up the story about AIDS.

YES,  the honest truth today is the MCMC as the watchDOG aren't there to watch Anwar Ibrahim's back but rather to trample on free speech when it involves the  communication minister, the  mcmc chairman and their friends.

SO here is a quick guideline on how to  get blocked by the MCMC, the cyberworlds friends only watchDOG .

1) TELL Fahmi Fadzil the truth, that he is a short guy, who can't act, meaning he is a failed actor, no longer liked by the Malay masses 

2)  TELL Mohamad Salim Fateh, the Punjabi Muslim who somehow became a Malay, the truth that his SPM certificate, in an ideal world should disqualify him from the post of MCMC chairman. And oh, Salim's fairy tale of coming from a poor back ground is questionable, especially this Punjabi actually went to do his accounting degree in UK and came home a failure with zero degree.

3) TELL Hannah Yeoh the truth, which will be instantly interpreted by the new Rosmah Mansor of Malaysia, as having her feelings hurt or worst still as being cyber bullied.

4) TELL Gan Saw Chien 's wife Teo Nie Ching that her recent DAP endorsed statements on what the press would like to cover is nothing  short of what that French lady said hundreds of years ago ; Let Them Eat Cake.