Monday 3 June 2024

Hannah Yeah and Tony Fernandes, Welcome To The Pleasure Dome

THE MACC is not going to find any hidden skeletons to hang Hannah Yeoh dry on the issue of READ : her husband being awarded a contract by the Selangor state Government even if it wanted to.

SO what is Hannah Yeoh's husband  Ramachandran Muniandy doing talking to three veteran newsmen VIEW : including my former boss Ahirudin Attan about Asia Mobility Technologies Sdn Bhd,which he co owns with a top dog from Malaysia Kini.

THE Azmin Ali funded portal, Malaysia Now  has already challenged Asia Mobility's assertion READ : it is a pioneer in the field of demand-responsive transit usage in Malaysia

DEFINITELY, damage control and this too despite Hannah Yeoh's ex Tik Tok dance buddy Syed Saddiq, the member of Parliament from Johor, being some what muted on this issue.

SO why won't the MACC find a smoking gun even if it wanted to, in order to put Hannah Yeoh's political ambitions to sleep? 

INSIDER trading, just like insider information is very difficult to track especially in the information is passed on with out the usage of electrical equipment ie word of mouth.

WHAT Malaysians, especially Selangor based voters should be asking themselves is how much money will Asia Mobility be generating once the nine month trail period is over?

IS it RM1 million, RM100 million or even RM1 billion. A good indicator of what is in store is to look at what the sector is worth, READ : say in 2025, when it' is estimated to be worth more than RM3.4 billion a year.

ONE thing is sure, we are talking about a lot of money here for sure, as I doubt READ : the likes of Tony Fernandes and friends wouldn't have pumped in RM5 million into Asia Mobility for nothing