Monday 24 June 2024

WiseGuy inside The Corporate Mafia : The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

MEET The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI),  the domestic intelligence and security service of the United States.

THE FBI has offices around the globe. These offices—called legal attachés or legats—are located in U.S. embassies, including in MALAYSIA.

SO what is it, exactly does the FBI do? Well according to the FBI they are very keen to investigate READ : organised crime and white collar crime.

WHY did the FBI poke it's silly nose on 1MDB in the first place? Well because, what happened in Malaysia did not stay in Malaysia but it expanded into the USA.

WHY would the FBI be interested in Lim Khong Soon and the Corporate Mafia's activities then? Well for the very same reason why the FBI started poking it's nose in the 1 MDB white collar crime.

WHERE is the proof?  To be continued TOMORROW.